3DS update 10.1.0-27 out now
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 12 Comments
Another new firmware update has hit the 3DS. As of now, version 10.1.0-27 is available to download worldwide.
Just like last week, today’s update is once again about improving “overall system stability” and “system security”. Nintendo says that “other minor adjustments” have been made as well.
You’ll need the latest firmware before you can access the 3DS eShop.
More: system update, top
Mega Man Legacy Collection will feature amiibo support – unlock challenges
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
Capcom has confirmed that Mega Man Legacy Collection will make use of amiibo on 3DS.
In the 3DS version, there will be ten additional challenges designed by players. A contest is currently being held on Capcom-Unity here to determine which ones will make it into the final game. All of these challenges can be unlocked by using the Mega Man amiibo.
Mega Man Legacy Collection launches on 3DS in Q1 2016.
More: Amiibo, Mega Man Legacy Collection, top
Frenchy Bird update out tomorrow, adds six more Miiverse stamps
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
A new Frenchy Bird update is due out tomorrow, according to Carbon Fire Studio. The indie developer announced via Miiverse that the patch adds in six more Miiverse stamps.
Frenchy Bird’s first update will be going live in both North America and Europe. Expect it at 9 PM ET / 6 PM PT in North America and 2 AM CEST in Europe.
More: Carbon Fire Studio, Frenchy Bird, indie
More Zelda: Tri Force Heroes screenshots
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 1 Comment
The official Zelda Twitter account has posted more screenshots from Tri Force Heroes. We’ve rounded them up below.
Rodea: The Sky Soldier Wii gameplay trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 3 Comments
NIS America has shared a new Rodea: The Sky Soldier trailer focusing on the Wii version. We have it below.
Remember: all pre-orders and first-print copies of Rodea: The Sky Soldier on Wii U come with the Wii version.
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon has over 120 dungeons
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 2 Comments
This month’s issue of CoroCoro has continued to leak, and the latest pages share additional information about Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon. The magazine states that the game will have over 120 dungeons spread across five continents. This is the largest amount in any Pokemon Mystery Dungeon title. Additionally, CoroCoro says that the special Meowth dungeons take you down to Level 5 and have their own special rules.
Next month’s issue will have a special distribution for a unique dungeon called CoroCoro Dungeon. This has 20 floors and features Garchomp as the boss.
Miyamoto says Mario’s full name is “Mario Mario”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 38 Comments
Nintendo’s famous plumber simply goes by the name Mario. But did you know that he has a last name as well?
During Japan’s 30th anniversary Super Mario Bros. event this past weekend, Shigeru Miyamoto apparently stated that Mario’s full name is “Mario Mario”. As for Luigi, he’s “Luigi Mario”. It’s sort of like someone named Yamada Yamada having a brother named Itou Yamada.
This news is actually somewhat surprising despite what was shown in the 1993 Super Mario Bros. movie. Here’s what Miyamoto told Game Informer about Mario and Luigi’s names back in 2012:
“This is an old story, but Hollywood did a film version of the Mario Bros. many years back. There was a scene in the script where they needed a last name for the characters. Somebody suggested that, because they were the Mario Bros., their last name should be Mario. So, they made him “Mario Mario.” I heard this and laughed rather loudly. Of course, this was ultimately included in the film. Based on the film, that’s [how] their names ended up. But, just like Mickey Mouse doesn’t really have a last name, Mario is really just Mario and Luigi is really just Luigi.”
There’s definitely been some debate as to whether or not Mario has a last name since there have been contradictory comments floating around over the years. I suppose this is what we have to go by now!
More: Mario, Shigeru Miyamoto, top
Guitar Hero Live – Guitar Hero TV gameplay
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 1 Comment
GameSpot has a new video up from Guitar Hero Live showing Guitar Hero TV gameplay. Check out the footage below.
More: Activision, FreeStyleGames, Guitar Hero Live
Nova-111 trailer, 26 minutes of footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
We have two more videos for Nova-111. Below you’ll find the latest trailer as well as 26 minutes of footage from GiantBomb.
More: Curve Digital, Nova-111
Three Avenged Sevenfold songs featured in Guitar Hero Live
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Today, Activision and FreeStyleGames announced the three Avenged Sevenfold songs that will be playable in the GHTV Premium Shows in Guitar Hero Live. Those are as follows:
“Shepherd of Fire”
“Buried Alive”
Each one of the Avenged Sevenfold tracks will feature concert footage recorded at the band’s headline performance in front of 70,000 fans at England’s Download Festival. By pre-ordering Guitar Hero Live, you’ll receive access to the bonus Avenged Sevenfold content, which includes this premium show, a custom note highway and more.
Source: Activision PR