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– Single court in the E3 demo
– Fast-paced, arcade-style tennis game
– E3 matches are a part of Mega Battle mode
– This has enormous mushrooms wandering onto the field from time to time
– Pick up a mushroom to grow
– When bigger, the increased reach and wingspan makes it easier to return wide shots, but Mario’s head can get in the way
– Always have the same techniques regardless of size
– You also have the Topspin and Slice shots at all times
– These are the A and B buttons respectively
– Ultra Smash: keeps the multi-button shot combos from Mario Tennis Open:
– ‘A’ followed by ‘B’ sets up a Lob, for instance, and ‘B’ followed by ‘A’ a Drop Shot
– One new addition for Ultra Smash is the Jumpshot
– By pressing ‘A’ or ‘B’ twice in a row you can return the ball from mid-air
– Chance Shots: sometimes see differently colored spotlights appear where the ball is about to land
– If you make it to the ball in time and pull off the particular shot indicated by the colour in the circle, you’ll send back your return with a massive boost
– Rred for Topspins, white for Drop Shots, etc.
– Play with a Pro Controller
– New dive button assigned to “R”
– Tap “X” to activate the best shot for the situation every time, including during Chance Shot opportunities


This information comes from producer Shinjiro Takata…

“I’m not too sure, since this all happened a long time ago. But the way it all started, Atlus was involved with Nintendo when we were making a purikura [Japanese photo booth] app for the Nintendo DSi and the Nintendo 3DS. Then there was a conversation that started about whether Atlus might be in charge of making a new Fire Emblem game. It wasn’t anything serious at the time. I think we turned it down at first because we had too much on our plates.”


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