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A strange listing recently popped up on the USK, the ratings board for Germany. “GL00” was rated for a number of platforms including Wii U. I literally have no idea what this game is, but the USK indicates that Majesco is publishing, and it’s a puzzle title of some sort. I suppose we’ll find out soon enough!


Game Informer has a new article up on Disney Infinity 3.0 that has a bunch of details about the game. We’ve rounded them up below, but be sure to check out the site’s full preview here.

– Gobo (Pirates of the Caribbean and Guardians of the Galaxy Playsets) is working on 3.0
– The team is trying to incorporate as many elements from the Star Wars trilogy as possible
– Both Death Stars will need to be blown up during trench runs
– Star Destroyers will be battled in space
– Ride a Bantha from the bars of Mos Eisley to the dance floor of Jabba’s palace
– Exlore the ice world of Hoth
– Battle the four-legged AT-ATs
– For the first time, AT-ATs can turn
– AT-ATs and AT-STs can correct themselves and turn when walking over any terrain
– AT-ATs and AT-STs can adjust their balance and recover if knocked over
– Young players have been brought in for weekly play tests
– Take down AT-ATs by piece by climbing their legs or take control of them yourself
– Ex: land a Snowspeeder on top of the AT-AT and break apart its back to reveal a giant controller with buttons to stand on to direct its movement and fire its weapons
– Can remove the controller from its back and carry it away to where you have a full view of the walking tank
– Can also explore Tatooine
– In this area, you’ll find Sandcrawlers
– Ride on the roofs of Mos Eisley on a Batha
– Levels in the game are designed to allow players to do whatever they want in the context of a Star Wars world
– There were initially plans to have Ninja Theory make the Playset based on the first three films, with Gobo set to work on the prequel trilogy
– After examining the content of each of the trilogies, and some shifting, it was decided since Ninja Theory specialized in combat, it should be working on the trilogy that featured Jedis fighting at their prime
– This led Gobo to handling the trilogy since the studio had a background in racing and vehicles
– Can take control of iconic vehicles like the X-Wing and the Millennium Falcon
– Star Fox was an inspiration
– Not all space battles are on rails
– The two Death Star battles will be on rails
– Non-rail battles and flying around open space are like the all-range-mode from Star Fox 64
– Dedicated inputs make you do loop de loops and 180 degree turns and the bumpers on the controller let you lean tightly into turns

Nintendo is now taking pre-orders for the orange Splatoon Inkling hat on its UK store. It’s due out on May 29, alongside the game. Pricing is set at £9.99.

Those who are interested can pre-order the hat here.

Generally, when Nintendo shows off Splatoon, the company does so by demonstrating the Wii U GamePad’s motion controls. However, you should be aware that traditional aiming will be included in the final game as well. This is something that TIME was able to confirm with a Nintendo rep at a recent demo event.



Ronimo Games released the fourth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is one Berserker and one Electric Elder versus four Axethrowers. Check it out below.

“Pug Hoof Gaming” from YouTube has provided a look at the new Majora’s Mask light from Club Nintendo Europe. You can view a full unboxing of the reward below.

Capcom has shared a bit more on its latest financial results.

The most notable piece of Nintendo news is that, as of March 31, 2015, the company has shipped 3.4 million copies of Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate worldwide. As previously mentioned, 1 million of the game’s shipments came from the west. Capcom originally projected a shipment of 3.9 million units, though they weren’t too far off.

Capcom’s new “title related to Monster Hunter” for 3DS, which is almost certainly Monster Hunter Stories, has a projection shipment now as well. Capcom is looking to have 2.5 million copies of the game out in the market by March 31, 2016.


Update: Bumped to the top. Ronimo has now confirmed the European price as well. It’ll be €18.99 / £16.99.

We’ve confirmed with Ronimo Games that Swords & Soldiers II will cost $19.99. That means it will be joining Affordable Space Adventures as one of the more expensive download-only games on the Wii U eShop, which is set at the same price. Although $20 may seem like a lot, you should be getting a high-quality title in return!

Swords & Soldiers II launches on May 21 in both North America and Europe.

Masaya Games and Extreme showed new footage from Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei during a live stream held earlier today. You can watch it all below.

Note: most of the interesting stuff begins at the 3:39 mark.

Wombat Source is continuing to update GetClose with new modes and features. The latest upgrade, targeted for next week, will add a new “Protect the Crown” mode. This can be played either alone or with friends in a co-op setting.

Take a look at GetClose’s May update in video form below.


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