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GameFly listed Terraria for Wii U and 3DS earlier this week. At the time, we couldn’t be sure if those listings were legitimate or innocuous errors. But thanks to new findings at a different retailer, it seems quite possible that 505 Games is indeed bringing Terraria to both of Nintendo’s platforms.

Terraria popped up for both Wii U and 3DS on Amazon today. A $29.99 price point is listed, along with a tentative October 31 launch date.

There is one strange thing about this situation: GameFly has since pulled its Wii U and 3DS Terraria listings. GameFly tends to be reliable more often than not, so I’m wondering if that was done simply because 505 Games hasn’t made an announcement yet. Either way, we’ll try to get an official answer from the company.

Alphadia Genesis came out on the North American Wii U eShop towards the end of last year, but the game hasn’t released in Europe yet. That will be changing soon.

According to a listing on the eShop, Alphadia Genesis is set to launch in Europe on February 5. Pricing is set at €14.99.


Geoff Keighley tried something different for The Game Awards. There were fewer celebrities, a greater emphasis on developers and gaming culture, and Spike TV was not at all involved. Overall, most would say The Game Awards were far better than Spike’s Video Game Awards (later VGX).

The Game Awards’ success means that another show is planned for 2015. During his panel at PAX South today, Keighley confirmed that he’s looking towards bringing it back. Just don’t expect to hear anything until much, much later in the year.


Atlus has shared new English assets for Etrian Mystery Dungeon. First up is a beauty shot of the “Sights & Sounds of Mystery” bonus, which is available in the game’s launch edition.

Here’s an overview as to what’s inside:

Secure your ownership of the North American-exclusive collectible outer box that contains a limited edition CD-book package. The “Rough Sketch Ver.” soundtrack CD contains six “rough” versions of the musical themes found in Etrian Mystery Dungeon. The 28-page book contains art and information to aid you in cultivating the best party to help you triumph inside the mystery dungeons.

Next, we have an English trailer showing the Protector class:

And here’s the overview:

Let me paint a nightmare scenario for you. You’ve just successfully cleared a floor in a dungeon, found an awesome weapon in a treasure chest, got tons of gold and crafting drops from monsters and are mere steps away from the exit when a group of enemies respawn and tear your party to shreds; the hard-earned gold, experience, and loot lost forever to the sands of time.

Well worry no more, because that’s why Etrian Mystery Dungeon has the Protector class! This battle tank uses their high DEF stats and tower shield to create an immovable object of damage-soaking toughness. Combining provoking taunts with ability binds, a well-leveled Protector is key to surviving against rare monsters, bosses, and worse!

Source: Atlus PR

We have even more content pertaining to Pokken Tournament. Check out some gameplay videos above, and details/art below.

– Full 3D movement is possible
– Single-player, nationwide battle, in-store battle, tutorial modes
– Location tests run starting next week in Japan
– 100 yen per play
– Second location test on Valentine’s Day at the Japan Amusement Expo
– BANA Passport cards will be distributed to people who play Pokkén at the location tests from Jan 30-Feb 1
– Machamp BANA Passport card will be available in limited numbers for the Japanese Amusement Expo location test
– BANA Passport cards use NFC
– Buttons: D-pad: Move; A: Pokemon Technique; B: Jump; X: Weak; Y: Strong; R: Guard; L: Support
– When your gauge is full, you enter ‘Resonance Burst’ mode. In Resonance Burst mode, you can use ‘Burst Attacks’ to deal lots of damage
– There is no distinction made between ‘high’, ‘middle’, and ‘low’ attacks in Pokkén, and they can all be blocked using the R button

Source 1, Source 2

Siliconera has reported another round of Pokken Tournament details that were shared during today’s stream. We’ve rounded up the information below.

– Choose support Pokemon at the start of each round
– These can be used at any time
– Support Pokemon have a cool-down period
– Lapras shows in footage appearing from the side, and it covered a wide area with its Surf attack, although it got blocked
– Pokemon select screen shown (see above)
– It shows Snivy with a Leaf Tornado attack, and its charge time marked as “Fast”. Lapras’ shows Surf with a charge time of “Normal”
– Namco has shown Support Pokémon of Pachirisu and Fennekin as a “Set A,” and Snivy and Lapras as “Set B”
– Unknown whether you can mix/match Support Pokemon or if they’ll come as sets
– “Phase Change”: makes the camera angles look more like a 2D fighter with a side-view during battle
– There are certain moves that can force a Phase Change as well
– “Burst Mode”: temporary power up where Pokemon go into their Mega-forms
– Those without Mega versions get a similar power up
– In the demonstration, Namco showed Lucario going into his Mega-form, while Pikachu got an power-up with an electric aura
– Can easily pull off special attacks; no complicated commands
– This is also another reason why it was made possible to play the game on a simple controller, instead of an arcade stick
– The stage description for one of the battle arenas was shown in English


During today’s Pokken Tournament live stream, producer Katsuhiro Harada unveiled the controller that will be used for the arcade system. Here’s what we learned:

– Pokken Tournament isn’t going to be as difficult to get into compared to other fighting games
– Namco is developing it with both veteran players and newcomers to the genre in mind
– This controller was chosen to make it easier for beginners to get into since arcade sticks can be a little difficult or intimidating for those who’ve yet to play a fighting game
– The controller has a red part that lights up below
– Trigger buttons, traditional d-pad, four face buttons also included
– Said to resemble the look of the Famicom controller


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