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Siliconera has translated some details about Wraith’s Den in Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson. Check out the information in our summary below.

– Take on monster-filled stages
– Earn loot in return
– Grid-based stage system
– Clear out the room with monsters to advance to the next stages
– Access adjacent rooms after beating a stage
– Clear a stage by reducing the number of monsters to 0 or defeat the boss
– Number of monsters is located on the top-left of the screen
– Characters keep the same amount of health they had left over from the previous stage
– Can recover health in 3 ways
– First way is by transforming
– Doing this lets you completely regain your health once
– The second way is by activating Meiken
– When this happens, the character also gains a temporary buff along with a draining effect, but it also takes away your scroll meter
– Third way to recover health is by defeating certain enemies that drop Onigiri rice balls
– Some stages won’t have enemies at all
– By clearing certain stages, you can acquire all kinds of different weapons
– These weapons aren’t restricted to the characters you select


Internal Invasion is due out in North America next Thursday. If you purchase the game during its first week, you’ll be able to partake in a 10 percent discount. Internal Invasion will be priced at $4.99 following the launch week special.

Bear Box Media has also confirmed plans to produce free Internal Invasion DLC. We don’t have details on this just yet, but we’re told that it will come as an update in Q4.

Glory of Generals from Circle Entertainment

Circle Entertainment has announced a release date for Glory of Generals. The 3DS eShop strategy game will launch in North America next week – July 3.

Here’s what we know about Glory of Generals:

– Features 64 campaigns between 1939 and 1945
– These include the Western front, Eastern front, North Africa and Antarctica
– Upgrade bases, repair troops and get promoted to marshal
– Call upon 102 famous generals for help
– Eisenhower, Rommel, Patton and Zhukov are among the generals
– Master the complexities of combat
– Game has different tactics
– Armored troops move slowly in the mountains and Infantry can construct buildings that can defend against tanks and artillery
– Over 15 countries to choose from
– In Legion mode, play as any playable general on any battlefield
– 100 hours of gameplay contents


Jett Tailfin was one of the first games announced for Wii U, though it quickly fell off the radar. News has been pretty much absent since the original 2012 announcement.

But Jett Tailfin lives! Funbox Media announced today that the game will be released this October in Europe/PAL regions. While Jett Tailfin will be hitting Wii U, there’s no word on the 3DS version.

You can find more information about Jett Tailfin after the break.

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