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A complete comparison of the maps found in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and the upcoming A Link Between Worlds is now available. Check it out below:


Eurogamer has secured new details on Spin the Bottle’s upcoming update. Details, including information about a couple of mini-games, can be found below.

– Out just before Christmas
– Update adds new mini-games using the GamePad camera
– Free for existing owners
– New consumers will need to pay
– “it will probably be ‘a couple of bucks.'”

From producer Dajana Dimovska:

“Our theme for this update has been the camera and the GamePad. We explore a lot of different technologies in the GamePad such as the gyro, camera, facial detection, thumb sticks and even smile detection. The GamePad will be held used in ways we haven’t seen on Wii U yet.”

Don’t Laugh

– Two players stand next to each other with their faces in range of the GamePad’s viewfinder
– Audience will do what it can to get the players to smile or laugh
– Whoever does so loses

“What is really great is that we take pictures with the GamePad while all this is going on. So after a minigame, you get to enjoy pictures of yourself looking silly. Oh and these pictures will of course also be saved in a gallery so you can laugh at them later.”

Act Like an Animal

– One player holds the GamePad facing another player
– The player looking at the screen will see an image of an animal
– They’ll need to mime the creature while the person holding the GamePad has to guess what animal their partner is indicating
– 6 rounds of animal acting
– GamePad will capture various images

Full list of mini-games

Don’t Laugh
Body Twiste
Act Like An Animal
Footie Ball
Put Your Hat On
Nature Photographers


A bonus chapter will be included in Shantae: Half-Genie Hero thanks to donations obtained through Kickstarter and PayPal. The extra content was positioned as a $600,000 stretch goal on Kickstarter, which was just met a short while ago.

Here’s what Shantae fans can expect from the extra chapter:

“A mysterious invitation lures Shantae to the annual Magic Carpet Races at Cape Crustacean. When carpets begin to disappear one by one, Shantae must unmask the culprit while racing for her life.”

The bonus chapter will also include a new transformation.


Update: Amazon has now price-matched Rayman Legends and Splinter Cell Blacklist.

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. There are a few highlights this week, including Rayman Legends and Splinter Cell: Blacklist for $40. Consumers can also take advantage of a pre-order offer for Pokemon X/Y, with consumers receiving a “through the years” timeline.

You can find all of this week’s deals and offers in the ad below.




Along with today’s screenshot, Sakurai posted the following message to Miiverse:

“Let’s compete on the jump springs! Those springs can also shoot out other fighters into the air.”

Amazon has put up the official cover for Prima’s Zelda: A Link Between Worlds Collector’s Edition guide. Take a look below:


You can pre-order the guide and save $10 in the process.

Warner Bros. announced a season pass for Batman: Arkham Origins last week. But apparently, fans haven’t responded favorably to the product. The displeasure stems from the fact that Warner Bros. isn’t offering brand new content or levels, and is instead opting for more cosmetic-oriented additions.

Producer Guillaume Voghel has since responded to the backlash. Speaking with IGN, he said:

“The costume DLC is going to be available with the Season Pass and it’s basically a bonus right? There’s going to be a lot of value in that Season Pass. One of the items we can’t talk about yet…we’ll just wait for the gamers to really see what the entire package contains. It’s going to be a big deal.”

IGN also asked Voghel about potential interest in a Superman vs. He wouldn’t give a clear cut answer, instead opting to discuss the importance of keeping the Arkham games separate from the movies.

“The Arkham brand is really independent from the movies and that’s something I think is at the core of its success; Rocksteady did that really well. They isolated the game from the movies and the Arkham brand will keep going in that direction if there are other entries down the line. It’s really something independent; it’s in a world of its own and it’s a franchise we want to focus on only through video games. DC studios has a lot to say in how we develop the Arkham franchise and they have great input. It’s always going to be a collaboration between Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment and DC, but we really want to keep it independent from the movies.”


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