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Amid speculation that Nintendo might be added to the Nikkei 225– a stock index that takes a big group of Japanese companies and assigns a monetary value to them as a whole– the company’s shares rose 31%. Today, we learned that they will not be added to the Nikkei 225, resulting in a sharp 8.4% drop in share price. This is the biggest single drop Nintendo has experienced in two years.

Via Polygon

G4 was originally expected to be rebranded as the Esquire Network this year, but those plans have apparently been discarded. Instead, it will launch on the Style Network.

The initial plan was to scrap G4 and kick off the Esquire Network in late April. But that never happened, and G4 will still be kept around. The Hollywood Reporter writes that the channel will continue “for the foreseeable future, though it’s highly unlikely the company will invest in more original programming.”


Polygon has published a new interview with Eiji Aonuma which focuses mostly on the upcoming release of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD. Still, a couple of questions regarding A Link Between Worlds and Zelda Wii U were also asked. You can find the full Q&A roundup below.

Presentation will begin at 7 AM ET / 4 AM PT. The broadcast will last 29 minutes.

The 3DS Game Card Case is sold out over on the North American Club Nintendo website, but it’s still going strong in Japan. Actually, the country has received several new designs – each of which can be found in the gallery above.


Late last month, Nicalis announced that it had cancelled Yatagarasu for the 3DS in favor of a PS Vita version. That news wasn’t exactly well-received by Nintendo fans.

Some questioned Nicalis’ decision on Twitter, but the studio promised that more games are on the way to the 3DS as well as Wii U. The company also said that it “always” intends to support Nintendo systems. In one particular tweet, Nicalis appeared to tease two more 3DS titles in the form of asterisks.

Nicalis wrote:

Dinosaur Planet never saw the light of day, but there was quite a bit of voice acting recorded. You can listen to over an hour’s worth below.

Source, Via

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