Dragon Quest character designer Akira Toriyama shares a special message
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
During NHK’s Dragon Quest program which aired last week, character designer Akira Toriyama – who is also the creator of Dragon Ball – shared a special message. He reflected on originally getting the job, working on the series in general, and a bit on the upcoming Dragon Quest XI.
Crunchyroll has now gone to the trouble of translating Toriyama’s message in full. You can read it below.
More: Akira Toriyama, Dragon Quest, Square Enix
Game developers asked to select their top five games of 2016, Pokemon GO chosen by many
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, Mobile, News | 8 Comments
Game Informer caught up with developers from all around the world to find out which five titles were the best in 2016. Pokemon GO was a popular choice, as it was included in lists by creators such as Kazuyuki Hoshino from SEGA and Hajime Tabata from Square Enix. There were other Nintendo picks as well including Super Mario Run by Naughty Dog’s Neil Druckmann and Pokemon Sun/Moon by Capcom’s Yoshinori Ono.
The Nintendo-related choices and comments are posted below. The rest are located on Game Informer here.
Takara Tomy Arts creating Pokemon Alola Form figures
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
A new set of Pokemon Sun/Moon figures are coming from Takara Tomy Arts. These are based on Alola Forms, including some of the first merchandise for Exeggutor and Dugtrio.
The full set is as follows:
37mm Alolan Raichu
33mm Alolan Vulpix
47mm Alolan Ninetales
34mm Alolan Dugtrio
40mm Alolan Marowak
100mm Alolan Exeggutor
All of these figures arrive in Japan in April. Each one will be priced at 300 yen.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
North America gets some new My Nintendo discounts as well
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 13 Comments
Europe added in some new My Nintendo rewards yesterday, and the same has now been done in North America as well. A few new discounts are now up on the site.
The lineup is as follows:
Wii U
15% discount on Yoshi’s Woolly World – 450 Platinum Points
20% discount on Kirby’s Epic Yarn – 400 Platinum Points
30% discount on Yoshi – 20 Gold Points
30% discount on Dedede’s Drum Dash – 20 Gold Points
30% discount on Yoshi – 20 Gold Points
All of these rewards will be available until April 2. You can check them out on My Nintendo here.
More: My Nintendo, top
2017 New Year’s greetings and messages from game companies, developers, more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 10 Comments
Just like for Christmas, various companies, developers, and other game-related representatives have been sending out New Year’s greetings and images, primarily through social media. Nintendo, Pokemon, and plenty more are wishing their fans well as we ring in 2017. We’ve rounded up the various posts below.
My Nintendo updates in Europe with several new rewards
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 7 Comments
My Nintendo has been updated in Europe with several new rewards.
First, Flipnote Studio 3D is now available to all. It can be redeemed one time for 200 Platinum Coins.
In terms of digital content, a number of discounts have gone live. Here’s the full lineup:
More: My Nintendo
Square Enix on why Dragon Quest hasn’t been as popular as Final Fantasy in the west, keeping the series fresh
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 45 Comments
Square Enix owns two big franchises: Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. Yet even though Final Fantasy managed to make a big splash in the west, Dragon Quest has still been trying to attain the same sort of success.
Dragon Quest executive producer Yu Miyake touched on this topic in last month’s issue of EDGE. He said Final Fantasy’s western popularity in comparison to Dragon Quest is something Square Enix has “been thinking about a lot internally”.
Miyake brought up a few different reasons in the interview. For one thing, “the source of nostalgia is different” in Japan and the west – Dragon Quest on Famicom and Final Fantasy VII on PlayStation respectively. He also believes that Square Enix should have originally given a greater effort with Dragon Quest’s localization. Finally, Miyake said that the cartoon-like aesthetic of Dragon Quest may not immediately connect with western gamers.
Miyake left some encouraging words, saying that “the age of people who are playing is rising” and there’s a greater interest overall as well. Square Enix is also trying to “soften up the ground for Dragon Quest XI” with its spinoff titles.
Miyake’s full words:
More: Dragon Quest, interview, Square Enix, top, Yu Miyake
Masahiro Sakurai bought a Vifam figure as a reference for his work
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 11 Comments
Masahiro Sakurai last worked on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS as director. That was in 2014. Since it’s been over two years since Smash Bros. shipped on both of Nintendo’s current systems (though there has been plenty of DLC since then), fans are wondering what Sakurai is up to now.
A new interview conducted by denfaminicogamer may give us a hint. Much of the discussion is about Sakurai’s game collection and other random topics, but there is one interesting excerpt that stands out.
Sakurai mentions how he sometimes purchases figures for his work. Somewhat recently, he bought a Vifam figurine. Vifam is from the 1983 mech anime Ginga Hy?ry? Vifam.
You shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that Sakurai is making a game based on that series. Rather, he wanted the attached rifle gun to use as a reference for his work. Now the question is: in which way is he using the figure as a reference?
Thanks to VZ_Blade for the tip.
More: Masahiro Sakurai
Amazon: Discounts on various Nintendo books
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 2 Comments
A number of released and upcoming Nintendo-related books are on sale at Amazon. This includes guides, art books, and official manga.
Here’s the full lineup:
Zelda Legendary Editions starting at $12.18 (was $17.99)
The Art of Fire Emblem Awakening – $25.96 (was $39.99)
Pokemon Sun/Moon: Official Strategy Guide Collector’s Vault – $79.25 (was $129.99)
The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts – $25.46 (was $39.99)
Pokemon Sun/Moon: The Alola Region Pokedex & Postgame Adventure Guide – $21.34 (was $24.99)
Pokemon Sun/Moon: The Alola Region Collector’s Edition Pokedex & Postgame Adventure Guide – $33.11 (was $39.99)
Art of Splatoon – $34.54 (was $39.99)
Fire Emblem Fates voice actress lists mystery Nintendo game on personal website
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 27 Comments
The last time Sarah Blandy worked on a Nintendo title was this year. In Fire Emblem Fates, she voiced Kagero, Midori, and Layla. Blandy’s personal website is now listing an unnamed Nintendo game, which she can’t mention by name due to an NDA.
Nintendo is teaming up with Cup of Tea Productions, a company that specializes in voice overs and localization, on the project. The last time the two sides collaborated was on the English version of Fire Emblem Awakening.
Could this have something to do with Fire Emblem as well? Perhaps the upcoming Fire Emblem mobile game? Or maybe it’s something completely different…