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General Nintendo

Update: Bumped to the top. Several new games are now up as well on Amazon Canada.

Amazon Canada is starting to take pre-orders for the new Nintendo-related products highlighted at E3 this week. The new Super Mario and Pokemon GO Plus can be pre-ordered here.

Metro spoke with Platinum Games co-founder Hideki Kamiya at E3 to talk about Scalebound. However, the interview did bring up some Nintendo-related topics. Specifically, Kamiya touched on both Bayonetta and Okami, and indicated that he’s interested in working further on both franchises.

With Bayonetta, Kamiya said that he and the rest of Platinum “want to make 3.” He later added that he has “ideas” for a new Okami game as well.

Here’s the full exchange between Metro and Kamiya:

Retailers are starting to take pre-orders for the new Red with Pikachu figure. It’s up on Play-Asia here as well as AmiAmi here. The figure should be launching in November.

Last year, Best Buy offered the Super Mario Maker button set as a pre-order bonus. It can now be purchased from a normal price straight from the retailer’s site. It’s available for $8, which isn’t too bad!


In an interview with IGN, Shigeru Miyamoto teased what Nintendo is planning next for Mario. Miyamoto said that the company is trying to make “a new kind of Mario”, which has a possibility of showing up at E3 next year.

He said:

“We’re always challenging ourselves to create something new, so hopefully you’ll see a new kind of Mario in about a year or two. Maybe next E3 we’ll be able to share something.”

Later in the discussion, Miyamoto noted that there are different challenges with Mario compared to Zelda – which is seeing a refresh of sorts through Breath of the Wild – due to the wide audience Mario games reach.

“It’s kind of difficult with Mario because some of the more important conventions of Mario are based on the approachability and accessibility of those games. (Having new people join Nintendo has allowed Nintendo to look) at the conventions with fresh eyes.”


At the end of each E3, we usually find out when the following year’s show will take place. That’s no different this time around. The ESA has made it known that E3 2017 will take place between June 13 and June 15 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

As for this year’s E3, 50,300 people attended the expo. This is a 3.6 percent drop year-over-year. In 2015, 52,200 people attended E3.


There could come a day when Nintendo comes out with a new Zelda spin-off that stars Sheik. That’s based on new comments from Shigeru Miyamoto, who indicated to GameRant that there have been discussions “within the development team” regarding “how it might be cool to have a game” with the character.

Miyamoto went on to say that such a project wouldn’t be “an impossibility.”

His words in full:

“Within the development team, too, there have been talks about how it might be cool to have a game that features Sheik as a protagonist. It’s having maybe a Zelda spin-off with Sheik as a protagonist, for example, I don’t think that’s an impossibility.”


Plenty of people are looking forward to Zelda: Breath of the Wild… including Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida. During a PlayStation live stream yesterday, Yoshida mentioned the adventure game as one he’s very excited about.

Yoshida said:

“I just played Zelda! The new Zelda game. You know, open world, and hunting. And I had a bizarre feel, this feels like Horizon. This is a epic, huge game. I can not wait to play Zelda again when it comes out.”


Nintendo (UK) has put out its own video showing off the company’s booth at E3 2016 this year, along with comments from attendees. Watch it below.

Story of Seasons doesn’t have same-sex relationships… yet. It’s definitely something Marvelous is keeping in mind, however.

Producer Yoshifumi Hashimoto told Polygon:

“It’s not like we’re not thinking about [same-sex relationships]. We know that it has to be there sometime in the future. If we have to allow same-sex [relationships], we have to put more characters who are the same gender. As a game, it’s going to be so much more volume, two or three times more. It’s going to be a little difficult.”

When Polygon brought up Stardew Valley, which has a variety of relationships, he said that Story of Seasons will catch up “sooner or later.”


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