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Update: Now sold out! Didn’t last too long, but a bit longer than expected.

I don’t see this lasting long, but the Rosalina amiibo is currently in stock on You can place an order here. We’ll keep track of the stock situation and will update this post when the amiibo becomes unavailable!


Japanese publication Game Watch attended a location test for Pokken Tournament at the Namco Lazona Kawasaki arcade. Plenty of information was provided in the site’s report (a mix of old/new), and Gematsu translated a ton of details from the article. We’ve rounded all of the tidbits below.

– Button layout on the controller similar to ones employed in older systems like the Super Nintendo
– Controller features more modern ergonomic philosophies in terms of how its handles are designed
– d-pad, four face buttons, A, B, X, Y, Start button on the controller, plus L and R triggers


D-Pad: Character movement. Hitting a direction twice will perform a short step.
Y Button: Weak attack.
X Button: Strong attack.
B Button: Jump.
A Button: Pokemon Move.
L Button: Summon Support Pokemon.
R Button: Guard.
L+R Buttons: Burst Mode. Press again during Burst Mode for a Burst Attack. (More details below.)
Y+B Buttons: Grab.
X+A Buttons: Block Attack. (More details below.)

The new Super Mario amiibo series seems to have disappeared from Amazon. Toad, Yoshi, Bowser, and Peach were all up for pre-order just a few days ago, but their product pages have since been removed. Pre-orders haven’t been cancelled, so there’s no need to worry just yet!


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Update: A new location has been found for Apex 2015:

Apex 2015 could be over before having ever been started. A series of unexpected events may have, sadly, lead to the cancellation of the tournament.

Things began when an emergency door was opened at the hotel where Apex 2015 is being hosted. After fire marshals inspected the area, it was determined that event rooms were unsuitable. It’s also been revealed that the parking garage partially collapsed due to a recent storm in New Jersey.

The status of Apex 2015 is unclear at the moment. However, it sounds like we’re due for an official update later in the day.


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Game Freak’s Junichi Masuda was one of the designers on the original Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire games. That means he created environments and maps that make up the region of Hoenn.

In an interview with Kotaku, Masuda revealed that he was inspired by his childhood summers on the island of Kyushu in making Hoenn.

Masuda said:

“So [Hoenn] was inspired by when I would go and visit my grandparents when I was younger. I grew up in Tokyo, which was obviously a big city, and my grandparents lived in Kyushu, a Japanese island. It was really completely different there. Where I came from we didn’t have clean rivers or a lot of insects or wildlife, but when I visited my grandparents I got to experience that abundance of nature – I’d got out and catch bugs, play in the river, catch fish in the ocean, explore forests.”

“I really wanted to express those childhood memories with the Hoenn region when I first thought about Ruby and Sapphire,” he says. “It’s expressed in how abundant the nature is compared to some of the other settings, and also in the idea of secret bases, which was like making tree-houses or a special fort when I was a kid.”

In kanji, “Hoenn” can be roughly translated to “abundance” and bonds” or “connections” when considering “ho” and “en”. This is something that Masuda spoke about as well.

“One of the original themes was this idea of abundance – not just of nature, but of how warm people are in the country, and people were always so nice to me there. Neighbours would say hello to me on the street. That’s the hidden meaning: the abundant bonds between people and nature.”


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