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There’s another Black Friday-focused Switch eShop sale happening currently that’s worth mentioning. Bethesda’s catalog of Switch titles has been discounted featuring a whole lot of Doom, The Elder Scrolls V: and Wolfenstein.

Here’s the full lineup:

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Override 2: Super Mech League - Ultraman Deluxe Edition

Retailer listings have provided the boxart for Override 2: Super Mech League – Ultraman Deluxe Edition. Have a look at the packaging image above.

Override 2: Super Mech League launches for Switch in December. You can pre-order the physical Ultraman Deluxe Edition on Amazon here or GameStop here.

We have more information about Override 2: Super Mech League – Ultraman Deluxe Edition here.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III

Going along with Black Friday, NIS America is hosting a new Switch eShop sale. Games have been discounted by up to 75 percent, and the lineup features Disgaea titles, The Alliance Alive HD Remastered, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel III, Ys VIII, and more.

Here’s the full listing of what’s on sale:

A Switch version of free-to-play fantasy RPG Caravan Stories is in development, developer Aiming announced during its Caravan Stories third anniversary live stream. A release window was not announced.

Here’s an overview of Caravan Stories, along with a trailer:

Pokemon Sword/Shield - Ash's Pikachu

A special promotion has been taking place in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield over the past month or so to celebrate the launch of The Crown Tundra. Several passwords were released so that players could obtain a plethora of Pikachu, each wearing one of Ash Ketchu’s iconic caps. Eight have been up for grabs in total.

Time is almost running out as the codes will be expiring at the end of November. As a reminder, here’s the full set:

Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum 'n' Fun - Private Match update

Bandai Namco has announced that the new Private Match update for Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun. A new trailer has been shared to promote the patch’s arrival, which you can find below.

Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum ‘n’ Fun is available for Switch. We have more information about the Private Match feature here.

Saga Frontier Remastered

Square Enix first released SaGa Frontier in 1997 (1998 in the west). More than twenty years later, the game is seeing new life as Saga Frontier Remastered.

Below are the first details and debut trailer:

Angry Video Game Nerd 1 & 2 Deluxe

Angry Video Game Nerd I & II Deluxe has been updated on Switch, bringing the game to version 1.2. The game has implemented a couple of fixes, adjustments to checkpoints, and other tweaks.

Below are the full patch notes:

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Paw Paw Paw

Paw Paw Paw, a side-scrolling beat ’em up game, is on track for a December 4 release for Switch. View some early footage in the video below.

Paw Paw Paw will be sold digitally for Switch via the eShop. Find some additional information and a trailer here.

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