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In a recent interview, GQ sat down with Super Mario Odyssey director Kenta Motokura and producer Yoshiaki Koizumi in preparation for the launch of the upcoming Mario title. Motokura and Koizumi discuss deciding on new environments, creating Cappy, delving into Mario and Peach’s relationship, and maintaining Mario’s longevity as a character and franchise.

We’ve rounded up the notable quotes below. You can read the interview in full here.

As we reported last week, Retro City Rampage DX: Collector’s Edition had a delay in shipping (the standard edition shipped on time). Today, Vblank Entertainment announced on Twitter that the physical copies should be ready for shipping next week, along with the complementary four alternate covers as an apology. Hopefully fans won’t have to wait much longer.

Amazon Japan has posted the boxart for Atelier Lydie & Soeur: Alchemists of the Mysterious Painting. We have the packaging image above.


In partnership with FreakZone Games, Nicalis has published its next Switch game Knight Terrors on the eShop. We have some footage below.

Redbull caught up with Andrew Newey from Sidebar Games for a chat about the hit Switch game Golf Story. Newey commented on the project’s Wii U origins, how Nintendo was involved, and a cut idea involving a split-screen two-player story mode.

Read Newey’s responses about these topics here. You can find the full interview on Redbull here.

MachineGames included a neat Easter egg of sorts in Wolfenstein II. You can actually play a new version of Wolfenstein 3D, a classic shooter that came out in the early ’90s.

Wolfenstein II’s take on the game is “Wolfstone 3D”. You’ll find it located in Club Kreisau as its own arcade cabinet. But in this version, there are a number of differences, such as how you fight Kreisau “terrorists” instead of Nazis. Wolfstone 3D has six levels and a save game system.

Here’s a look:


23 minutes of footage has come in showing The Mummy Demastered on Switch. Take a look at the gameplay below.

Nintendo is hosting a dedicated Halloween sale on the European eShops, but North America hasn’t been forgotten. A number of titles have been discounted on Switch, including Shovel Knight, Phantom Trigger, and more.

We have the full roundup of sales currently listed on the eShop below. A couple of these previously started before the Halloween event, but it’s worth highlighting all of the discounts at once.


Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

Wolfenstein II is strictly a single-player game. Keeping in line with many titles Bethesda publishers, a multiplayer mode is not included.

MachineGames’ narrative designer Tommy Tordsson Björk spoke about the decision to keep Wolfenstein II focused on single-player with GamesIndustry. He told the site that the team merely wanted to create “a really good single-player game”, and forcing multiplayer “would just dilute it all.

The Mummy Demastered, the latest game from WayForward, is now available on the Switch eShop. Get a look at the launch trailer below.

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