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More news coming out of Nintendo’s 1st quarter financials, it looks like Captain Toad Treasure Tracker has been delayed to January 2015 in Europe. It looks as if the North American and Japanese releases are still on track for later this year however.

Nintendo’s financials for Q1 2014 have been released (that is, for April – June), here are a look at some of the highlights to come out of that press release:

  • Revenue: 74.70B yen (-8.4% year over year)
  • Opt income: -9.47B yen
  • Net income: -9.92B yen

Hardware + Software Sales

  • Wii U unit sales (hardware): 0.51 million
    Financial year – 0.40 million
    Lifetime to date – 6.68 million
  • Wii U unit sales (software): 4.39 million
    Financial year – 4.39 million
    Lifetime to date – 36.67 million
    * Mario Kart 8 sold 2.82 million copies worldwide in its first month on sale.
  • 3DS unit sales (hardware): 0.82 million
    Financial year – 0.82 million
    Lifetime to date – 44.14 million
  • 3DS unit sales (software): 8.57 million
    Financial year – 8.57 million
    Lifetime to date – 171.49 million
  • Wii unit sales (hardware): 0.09 million
    Financial year: 0.09 million
    Lifetime to date: 101.15 million
  • Wii unit sales (software): 1.60 million
    Financial year: 1.60 million
    Lifetime to date: 896.82 million
  • DS unit sales (hardware): 0.06 million
    Financial year: 0.13 million
    Lifetime to date: 153.99 million
  • DS unit sales (software): 2.15 million
  • Financial year: 10.29 million
    Lifetime to date: 938.93 million

Financial Year 2014/2015 Forecast

  • 3DS hardware – 12 million
    3DS software – 67 million
  • Wii U hardware – 3.6 million
    Wii U software – 20 million
  • Wii hardware – 0.5 million
    Wii software – 9 million

For a look at how these numbers compare to previous quarters, check out this thread

Everything about today’s screenshot is just downright creepy. Sakurai details a Galaga inspired item that will make an appearance in the game:

Square Enix has released the latest batch of downloadable tracks for Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call.

Here’s the full roundup of the game’s latest DLC:


FINAL FANTASY XI?A New Horizon -Tavnazian Archipelago?FMS

Pricing is once again set at 150 yen for each download.

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D
2. Shovel Knight
3. Metroid
4. Wario Land 2
5. Tomodachi Life
6. Super Mario Bros. 3
7. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
8. SteamWorld Dig
9. 3D Classics: Kid Icarus
10. Pokemon Dream Radar
11. Comic Workshop
12. Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move
13. Super Mario Bros.
14. Fire Emblem: Awakening
15. Mario Kart 7
16. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
17. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
18. Gunman Clive
19. The Legend of Zelda
20. Dillon’s Rolling Western


1. Super Smash Bros. The Crest of Sword, Magic, and Flame
2. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Trailer
3. Wario Wrecks E3
4. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire E3 2014 Trailer
5. McDonald’s Mario Kart 8 Happy Meal
6. Hyrule Warriors Trailer with Zelda and Baton
7. Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal – E3 2014 Trailer
8. Hyrule Warriors Trailer with Fi and a Goddess Blade
9. Pokemon Art Academy E3 2014 Trailer
10. Mario Kart 7 Video
11. Mario Kart 8 – New Courses and Items Trailer
12. One Piece: Unlimited World Red Launch Trailer
13. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS Red, Blue, Yellow
14. Yoshi’s Woolly World E3 2014 Trailer
15. Hyrule Warriors Trailer with Midna and a Shackle
16. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker E3 2014 Trailer
17. Skylanders Trap Team Trailer
18. Tomodachi Life feat. Christinia, Shaq, Shaun, Debby & Zendaya
19. Strike Force Foxx Trailer
20. Hyrule Warriors Trailer with Link and a Hylian Shield

Source: 3DS eShop


Wii U eShop

Three new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Mega Man 7 (SNES), Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (GBA), and Final Fight (SNES) will be out on August 6. Pricing is set at 823 yen for the SNES games and 702 yen for the GBA title.


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