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At E3 2014, GameSpot and NintendoWorldReport spoke with Yoshifumi Hashimoto, head of development over at Marvelous AQL, to discuss Story of Seasons. Hashimoto spoke about the game’s name, the separation between the title and Harvest Moon and plans to continue the series, same-sex relationships, and more.

You can find excerpts from the interview below. Head on over to this link for the full thing.

It’s looking like we’ll be seeing at least three more games on the 3DS eShop this week. Skypeace from Sonic Powered, Plain Video Poker, and Toy Stunt Bike are all slated for Thursday.


We have yet another file size for an indie Wii U eShop title. RCMADIAX’s latest effort, Poker Dice Solitaire Future, takes up 97.8MB of space.

The developer shared the news on Twitter through the following message:


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has previously spoken about unifying its console and handheld development. The company hasn’t said if we’ll ever see a system that embodies both types of hardware, but Nintendo wants its systems to take advantage of the same type of “architecture”.

Shigeru Miyamoto recently commented about what this may mean for the future while speaking with Kotaku. The site went a bit further and even asked if there could ever be a day in which games could be made across Nintendo devices/teams making projects that could be played on the TV/on the go.

Here’s what was shared:

Nintendo 64

Can you believe that the N64 has been around for 18th years? Yes, it’s true! The console originally came out on this very day in Japan, 18 years ago.

The N64 provided us all with some truly memorable experiences. Zelda and Mario both made their jump into 3D for the first time. Rare produced several standout titles like Banjo Kazooie and Conker’s Bad Fur Day. And let’s not forget Paper Mario, GoldenEye 007, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 64, and Super Smash Bros. There were more fantastic games as well!

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