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Keeping things light this week, Shin’en’s Manfred Linzer returns to NintendoEverything with a nice summary of the game’s lobby system and how implementing online for Art of Balance on Wii U was tough because it was the team’s first time ever doing an online game. Aside from what he told us, we can glean that the game will keep track of your win/lose record, as well as display your country of origin when matchmaking. The rest remains mysterious… for now.

Read on past the break for Manfred’s own words about what you see above, and the development of the game’s online mode:

Wii U eShop

Two new Virtual Console games are on track for the Japanese Wii U eShop next week. Joy Mech Fight (Famicom) and Famicom Tantei Club: Kieta Kōkeisha (Famicom) will be out on May 28. Pricing is set at 514 yen each.


Many would say that Steel Diver: Sub Wars is much better than the original 3DS game that launched alongside the system back in 2011. But if you’d like to experience what the first Steel Diver offered, Best Buy has it on sale for cheap. You can pick up a copy here for only $4.99.

More: ,

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. 3D Classics: Kirby’s Adventure
2. Super Mario Bros. 3
3. Kirby Triple Deluxe
4. Mario Golf: World Tour
5. Pokemon Dream Radar
6. Mega Man Xtreme
7. Moon Chronicles
8. Pokemon Battle Trozei
9. Mega Man II
10. Mega Man III
11. Grinsia
12. Mario Kart 7
13. Super Mario Bros.
14. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
15. Mega Man IV
16. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
17. The Denpa Men 3: Rise of Digitoll
18. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
19. Zelda: Oracle of Ages
20. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX


1. Kirby Triple Deluxe – Launch Trailer
2. Mario Kart 8 Direct 4/30/14
3. Moon Chronicles Gameplay Trailer
4. Tomodachi Life Direct 4/10/14
5. Mario Kart 8: Bye-Bye Blue Trailer
6. Introducing Tomodachi Life!
7. Grinsia Trailer
8. Moon Chronicles Trailer
9. Mega Man Xtreme Trailer
10. Kirby Triple Deluxe Unleashed!
11. Play Nintendo – Announcing Nintendo @ E3 2014
12. Mario Kart 8 – Super Horn Test
13. Mario Kart 8 – Upside Down Test
14. Kirby Triple Deluxe: Oh Dedede, You’re So Dashing Trailer
15. Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball: Haggling 101 Trailer
16. Mario Golf: World Tour – DLC Trailer
17. Mario Kart 8 – Boomerang Test
18. Mario Kart 8 – New Courses and Items Trailer
19. Super Mario Bros. 3 Trailer
20. Mario Golf: World Tour – Launch Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop




The double-sided Mario Kart 8 poster can be secured by pre-ordering

French magazine Jeux Video has delivered the first review for Watch Dogs. The publication holds Ubisoft’s new open-world title in high regard, having handed out a 19 / 20 score.

One of the folks over on Reddit translated the following information from the review:

Nintendo could be cooking up a new color variation for the 2DS. The image above, coming from the Tomodachi Life website’s source code, reveals a new blueish/white system. Nintendo hasn’t made an announcement about this color yet, though it certainly seems legitimate.



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