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NPD Group has released a listing of the top ten best-selling games in the U.S. for the month of March 2014. The results can be found above.


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Did you know that Super Mario Bros. 3 supports 2 players via Download Play? Perhaps not surprising given that some other 3DS Virtual Console titles offer the same functionality, but still nice to know!


The 3DS eShop version of Cave Story originally landed in North America back in October 2012. It never made its way to Europe, but that will finally be changing next month.

Nicalis has confirmed on Twitter that Cave Story will launch on the European 3DS eShop on May 1.

The tweet in full is as follows:


Konami may have plans to bring Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal World Duel Carnival to the west. A rating for the title popped up on the OFLC yesterday, though the game hasn’t been announced for North America or Europe just yet. Perhaps we’ll be hearing something official from Konami soon?

Saturnine Games’ new indie title Turtle Tale has received approval from Nintendo of America (and NCL).

The studio shared the latest update on Twitter, writing:

Turtle Tale doesn’t have a release date yet, but it should launch on the eShop in the near future.


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