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Natsume community manager “CeeCee” commented on the publisher’s plans for Virtual Console in the future.

As of late, Natsume has been receiving quite a few fan questions/requests to re-release Game Boy Advance and GameCube titles. Doing so, however, isn’t so simple.

CeeCee explained that when it comes to GBA, this is something the Virtual Console doesn’t support. But interestingly, Nintendo is apparently “working on this” and Natsume “look[s] forward to the day it’s possible.”

Regarding yesterday’s announcement of DS support on Wii U, CeeCee said, “it’s an exciting time, and we’ll be reviewing our DS catalogue for potential titles.”

Japanese publication Nikkei recently posted an interview with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. Iwata commented on the company’s plans for smartphone apps, reviving the home console business, and a successor for Nintendo’s CEO position – of which he’s not thinking about in the near term.

Read on below for some paraphrases of Iwata’s quotes.

Nintendo is refunding Wii U owners who have purchased Batman: Arkham Origins’ season pass.

In an official message, Nintendo customer support explained that Warner Bros. has decided against bringing the game’s upcoming story campaign to Wii U. And so season pass owners are receiving refunds for the item – which costs $19.99 (plus tax) – in the form of eShop credit.

You can find Nintendo’s notice in full after the break.

Nintendo’s online store has discounted its refurbished Wii U Deluxe Set with Nintendo Land bundle by $25. Instead of plopping down $250 for the console, you’ll only need to fork over $225.

Since this is a temporary price, place an order before time runs out! You can do so here.


The Denpa Men 3 looks to be heading west. OFLC rated “The Denpa Men 3: The Rise of Digitoll” earlier today, hinting at an upcoming announcement from Genius Sonority. We were previously told that The Denpa Men 3 localization is something that Genius Sonority had been interested in, so this news isn’t too surprising.

Source, Via

assassin's creed iv

Every Assassin’s Creed game has featured a particular historical time period– old Italy, the Caribbean, revolutionary America, etc– in addition to smaller present-day sections that serve as story tie-ins and lore-builders. Those present-day sections, however, really aren’t the point according to series writer Darby McDevitt:

“The backbone of this series is visiting different time periods and bringing them to life. A lot of hardcore fans really like the present day stuff, and while that’s the bookend and narrative wrapper of this series, that’s not the point.”

– Assassin’s Creed series writer Darby McDevitt

McDevitt talks about a lot more regarding the series in a great interview with EDGE Online. Check it out if you have the time.

Via DualShockers

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