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Nintendo released a new trailer for the new “Nohrian Summer” event in Fire Emblem Heroes. Corrin, Elise, Leo, and Xander will be featured in swimsuit outfits starting tonight. Watch the video below.

Nintendo just wrapped up a new “Feh Challen” broadcast for Fire Emblem Heroes. The latest information about the mobile game was delivered, including details on version 1.6, a six-month anniversary celebration, and more.

Here’s the broadcast in case you missed it:

And a summary of what was shared:

Footage has come in showing Zen Studios’ first Switch game Infinite Minigolf. Take a look at the gameplay in the video below.

Nintendo doesn’t always continue promoting games with ads after their release in Japan, but with ARMS, they most certainly have. A new commercial for the Switch title is going out today. You can see it below.

Namco Museum won’t be out until tomorrow in North America and Europe, but it is already available in Japan. Watch some footage below.

Ekoro has arrived in Mighty Gunvolt Burst as the latest DLC character. For a look at her in action, view the video below.

Level-5 issued yet another commercial to promote The Snack World’s upcoming release in Japan. Get a look at the latest advert below.

Super Sidekicks is the newest NeoGame available for Switch via the eShop. Take a look at some footage below.

With Namco Museum officially hitting the Switch eShop tomorrow, Bandai Namco has published a launch trailer for the digital download. You can view it below.

Nintendo brought in extreme sports athlete Mich Kemeter for a new promotion. Kemeter visited the Gorges Du Verdon in France, went up on a highline, and played a bit of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. You can see it for yourself below.

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