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Japan’s third Splatfest in Splatoon has ongoing for a number of hours. You can check out some footage from the event below.


Bandai Namco held a “JRPG” panel at Anime Expo 2015 earlier this month. In the video below, you’ll find a recap of the event, which includes some focus on Project X Zone 2.

DK Jungle Climber was added to the North American Wii U Virtual Console on Thursday. Take a look at some footage from the game below.

Nintendo uploaded a fifth Japanese commercial for Splatoon that shows a whole bunch of things. We get a look at two new maps, new weapons, and the Rainmaker mode. Watch the commercial below.

The Play Nintendo YouTube account has put up the third video of its Splatoon-centric series called “Splatoon Splatter Center”. The third episode, focusing on single-player, can be seen below.


The latest episode of Nintendo Minute has now gone live. This week, Kit and Krysta look at some comments. Check out the full video below.

Nintendo has released a short trailer for Super Mario Maker today. We’ve posted it below.

The Captain Toad Figurine Lamp landed on Club Nintendo Europe late last month. For a look at the reward, check out the video below.

Bandai Namco just released the second trailer for Super Robot Wars BX. Check it out below:

Super Robot Wars BX will be out in Japan on August 20th.

Capcom has a new video up to promote Monster Hunter Diary: Poka Poka Airou Village DX. Check it out below.

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