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Square Enix shared more details about Final Fantasy Explorers during a live stream session last week. Check out the information below, as reported by Siliconera.

– Ramuh’s theme is in the game
– 20 battle themes or so
– This is the majority of music tracks in Final Fantasy Extreme, according to composer Tsuyoshi Sekito
– Tsuyoshi said most were easy, but he struggled with the main theme
– 4 jobs in Final Fantasy Explorers as previously mentioned
– Tanks handle monsters and face bosses head-on
– Attackers are the main damage dealers
– Healers (like White Mage) are in charge of healing but can attack
– You can’t be a great healer unless you also participate in attacking or go with some additional support
– Buffers (Time Mage and Geomancer) support the party with spells like Haste
– Buffers can also attack, though this depends on one’s play style
– Customization will play a bigger role on how you get to play your jobs
– Trance system: going Trance is split into two “powers”
– One lets you use the power from Summoned Beasts, and the other that lets you borrow power from Final Fantasy characters
– Both transformations will give your character a different appearance as well as a boost in parameters
– More details on the Trance system/powers coming soon
– Ramuh is a Summoned Beast fight
– The Dragoon’s Jump will go to whatever you’re locked onto, but if you’re not, it’ll go a fixed distance ahead of you
– Geomancers can set up traps like landmines, and use area-of-effect buffing abilities that cover a wide range around them
– Cura ability costs more and isn’t as effective when used by non-healer jobs
– Ramuh can teleport
– Yellow crystals on the map can be broken to stop Ramuh from teleporting
– The crystals will respawn
– The Paladin uses Ifrit’s Summon power in Trance mode


Super Smash Bros. for 3DS will make use of the New 3DS’ c-stick. However, there is no support for the Circle Pad Pro, which works with regular 3DS systems.

Smash Bros. director Masahiro Sakurai explained why this is so in his latest bi-weekly Famitsu column. He noted:

“Supporting the CCP requires the use of some of the CPU’s processing load. From the information received during the development of Kid Icarus: Uprising, this is a quite large load at around 5%. Kid Icarus: Uprising and Smash both use the maximum capability of the device, so we had to abandon the idea of CCP support. With the New 3DS, we were able to support the C-Stick as the processing power is increased and it is not a peripheral device.”

Source, Via


In honor of the official 3DS launch of Super Smash Bros. Brazilians will be able to smash their way into some prizes in Sao Paolo on October 3.

The tournament will consist of two different entry options:

For Fun

– Winners could receive Nintendo swag

For Glory

– Winners could receive a Nintendo Wii U

All participants must bring their own 3DS, additional tools will be provided.

Go Brazil!



This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Flowers (PSV/PSP) – 8/9/7/7
Choco Ken no Chokotto Fushigi na Monogatari: Shokora Hime no Mahou to Recipe (3DS) – 7/7/7/7
Hideboh: Tap Dance Hero (PSV) – 6/8/7/6
Majin Bone: The Majin of Space and Time (3DS) – 6/7/7/6

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