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Good news for those of us outside of the US waiting to get our hands on Shovel Knight, it’s officially been classified in Australia! Hopefully this means other regions will follow soon, I’d imagine Yacht Club Games will have an official press release in the coming days.


More news coming out along side the latest trailer pertaining to pre-ordering the latest Pokemon remakes in Japan. Pre-orders open on September 20th in Japan and come with special figures of Primal Groudon and Kyogre with each respective version (these figures will be different to the ones Europe is receiving.) Additionally, there is now the option to pre-order a special ‘double pack’ of the games for 9 142 yen which features the following:

  • 2 download codes, 1 for Omega Ruby and 1 for Alpha Sapphire
  • The Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre figures
  • 2 serial codes redeemable in-game for 100 potions
  • Pre-ordering two copies of the game at Pokemon Centres in Japan will also get you a special Hoenn Artbook, ordering one will get you the two special figures as well as a metallic poster of the box-art

Additionally, downloading the game between November 21st and November 30th will grant access to 12 Quick Balls useable in game. There will also be a Shiny Beldum event running from the game’s launch, from November 21st through to January 14th 2015.

Each game will take up 1.8gb of your 3DS’s memory.


As the 3DS release draws closer and closer in Japan, Sakurai has been really doubling (or in this case tripling) down on screens! More Smash Run shots today:

He continues:


Those red things in the picture are called danger zones, and if you touch one, you’ll get penalized by respawning farther back in the stage!! The danger zones disappear after someone else touches them, so fighters following those in the lead will have an advantage. You can still find speed boosts throughout the stage, so it’ll be a heated battle ’till the end!!

and another:


Here’s another final battle called “Climb!” Obviously, those that can jump or fly higher will have the advantage, but they also have to avoid the danger zones!! It gets pretty challenging if you’ve boosted your speed too much, as well. Everyone really gets into this when playing multiplayer.

The Pokemon Company is preparing a 448-page strategy guide for Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.

By purchasing the guide, you’ll receive access to the following:

• A complete walkthrough of all the Gym battles, the Elite Four, becoming the Champion, and beyond!
• More Mega Evolutions and the mysterious Primal Reversion!
• All the new game features, including Super-Secret Bases, Pokémon Contest Spectaculars, and more!
• List of TMs, HMs, items, Berries, and Mega Stones—including where to find them!
• Helpful tips for getting the most out of communication features and online play!
• A pullout map of the Hoenn region!

You can pre-order the Pokemon Omega Ruby & Pokémon Alpha Sapphire: The Official Hoenn Region Strategy Guide here. It will be available on November 21.


Bandai Namco has released two final DLC packs One Piece: Unlimited World Red. As of now, players can purchase the Zoro Armor Pack and Gladiator Pack.

Overviews of each can be found below. Screenshots are posted above.

Zoro Armor Pack

  • An extra costume for Zoro, allowing him to wear a suit of sturdy, Western-style armor.
  • ‘Watch Your Step’ quest: players need to defeat Black General Franky in this high difficulty quest! Fans will have to use all their offensive power to get the “Old Gold Coin”! Selling it might turn them among the wealthiest pirates!

Gladiator Pack

  • Gladiator Pack is a nice surprise that will let fans wrap themselves in the same gladiator armour that Luffy uses to conceal his identity during the Coliseum tournament.
  • The gladiator armour costume comes with two versions: ‘full’ to show off or ‘light’ to go unnoticed.

This week’s GameStop ad has gone live (including the 2DS for $100). You can find it in full below.

gamestop-ad-sept-3-1 gamestop-ad-sept-3-2

More: , ,

This week’s Japanese software sales are as follows:

1. [PS3] Persona 4 Arena Ultimax – 89,468 / NEW
2. [PSV] Toukiden Extreme – 79,384 / NEW
3. [3DS] Youkai Watch 2 – 68,762 / 2,358,745
4. [PSV] Love Live! School Idol Paradise – 59,710 / NEW
5. [PSV] Chou Jigen Action Neptune U – 34,980 / NEW
6. [3DS] Medabots 8 – 33,326 / NEW
7. [PS3] Super Robot Taisen OG Saga Masou Kishin F Coffin of the End – 28,807 / NEW
8. [WIU] Mario Kart 8 – 11,148 / 650,858
9. [PSP] Toukiden Extreme – 11,026 / NEW
10. [PSV] Bullet Girls – 10,030 / 39,720
11. [3DS] Yoshi’s New Island – 9,968 / 167,061
12. [PS4] The Last of Us: Remastered – 8,782 / 39,68
13. [3DS] Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultimate Mission 2 – 8,361 / 128,050
14. [WIU] Hyrule Warriors – 7,648 / 91,880
15. [3DS] Youkai Watch – 6,912 / 1,259,144
16. [3DS] Taiko no Tatsujin: Don to Katsu no Jikuu Daibouken – 6,653 / 152,620
17. [PS3] Diablo III – 6,486 / 22,301
18. [PS4] Diablo III – 6,131 / 23,962
19. [PS3] Sacred 3 – 5,083 / NEW
20. [PSV] Kiss Bell – 4,530 / NEW

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