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Namco Bandai has shared a few more images and information for Game Center CX 3. A roundup of the latest content can be found below.

– 15 retro-styled mini-games
– Story is set in the 1980s
– Spend most of the time beating events with a young Arino
– Progress through the story by playing different events in town
– Young Arino is apparently suffering a case of amnesia
– You need to play different games with Arino to help him regain his memories
– Toy store, game shop, and arcade center included in the game
– There’s also a snack shop, your own room, and the department store’s roof floor
– Model shop as well
– Different events in the game
– Many of these include Game Center CX’s fan-favorite staff members
– Staffers will occasionally be giving you hints and tips for the games
– Events consist of tasks such as “Clear until ____” or “Clear this event in one try” or “Figure out this riddle”
– All of the events change in terms of strategy
– Time progresses as the story advances after you clear events
– Some areas change over time
– Others grant you access only during certain periods of time


In Pokemon X/Y, a blue pentagon can be seen next to your Pokemon while viewing the status screen in trades, the box, and so on. It was initially unclear what it was intended for, but we now have an answer.

Game Freak included the pentagon as a hack checker of sorts. Pokemon who have the pentagon are confirmed to be legitimate. If the creature doesn’t have the blue icon, that means there was an error and it has been hacked.

The Pokemon Company’s simple definition of the pentagon is that the Pokemon is okay to use.


Suda51’s games haven’t been on Nintendo platforms in recent years. We did see Liberation Maiden on 3DS, but that’s about it. Suda51 hasn’t put out any of his games on Wii U.

But what about the future? Suda51 did say “it’s a possibility” that his future titles will appear on Nintendo platforms while speaking with ExpansiveDLC. He also said the Big N is “always very important to us.”

Yeah of course, it’s a possibility. I guess we haven’t really announced anything yet for Wii U, but for 3DS we had Liberation Maiden.. consoles from Nintendo are always very important to us.

I still remember how, years ago, Suda51 was talking about bringing a new No More Heroes to Nintendo’s next-gen console. Wii U has been around for a year already – make it happen!

Source, Image source


Bravely Default is just a few weeks away from launching in Europe. How many blocks will you need to reserve on an SD card in order to download the game from the eShop? The game will require about 26,500 blocks of free space, which translates to over 3GB.


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