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Cygames has confirmed a new Summon Showcase for Draglia Lost — Easter Emissaries — and it is now live.

The Showcase is set to stay live until May 27th. Featured adventurers include Ieyasu, Sazanka, and Addis. Five-star Dragon Marishiten is also available for summoning.

Official details on the showcase can be viewed below.

Featured adventurer:
  • Lv80
  • HP739
  • Strength521
Adventurer Details
  • The head of one of the Twelve Wyrmclans who
    rule the island nation of Hinomoto. He represents
    the boar, and formed a pact with the dragon
    Marishiten. Though a master swordsman, he has
    a soft heart and despises war in all its forms.
Sakura Flurry
Deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead,
and inflicts bleeding.
Blade Formation
Activates “Blade Formation” for 15 seconds.
During Blade Formation, the user’s HP gradually
recovers, and their critical rate against bleeding
enemies is increased by 15%.
Strength +10%
Increases strength by 10%.
Benefits your whole team.
HP 70% = Critical Rate +10%
Increases critical rate by 10% when
HP is 70% or above.
Paralysis Res +100%
Reduces susceptibility to paralysis by 100%.
Critical Damage +20%
Adds 20% to the modifier applied to critical damage.
Note: The stats shown here represent the adventurer at maximum level with all mana circles unlocked, not the stats when first obtained.
Featured dragon:
  • Lv100
  • HP374
  • Strength121
Dragon Details
  • One of the twelve great dragons that serve
    Amaterasu. Warlike and possessed of prodigious
    strength, she is revered amongst warriors as an
    icon of certain victory. In a cuter touch, she has
    a number of little boars that follow her around.
Daybreak Flurry
Deals shadow damage to enemies directly ahead,
and inflicts bleeding.
(Shadow) Strength +60%
If the user is attuned to Shadow:
increases strength by 60%.

Developer FuRyu has published a debut trailer for their upcoming release of Cardfight!! Vanguard EX.

The video features narration from the games protagonist Izuru Shidou, along with the game’s theme song. Those interested can view the footage below.

Developer Idea Factory has revealed that their collection of Otome visual novel games Brothers Conflict: Precious Baby will launch for Switch in Japan on August 29th.

The collection includes both installments of the Brothers Conflict series, Brothers Conflict: Passion Pink and Brothers Conflict: Brilliant Blue.

The release is planned to come in both a standard edition as well as a legendary edition. While the standard will come packaged with a booklet, the limited variation will include two clear bookmarks as well.

Source 1, Source 2, Via

With release imminent, SEGA has published a new trailer for Team Sonic Racing that focuses on the various character types within the game.

The video shows off the three types — Speed, Power, and Technique — as well as the characters within each category. Those interested can view the footage below.

As part of a recent interview, developer M2 has revealed that the shoot ’em up title ESP Ra.De. will have it’s M2 ShotTriggers release launch on Switch in late 2019.

This will be the first M2 ShotTriggers release to appear on Switch, and it will come in both a digital as well as limited physical format. In connection with this limited, first-print production, M2 is taking suggestions openly from fans on Twitter for which bonus item should come with the physical version. If someone’s idea is used, then it is reported that their name will appear within the game’s credits.

Source 1, Source 2, Via

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It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. Dragon Quest XI S is still at the top for Nintendo titles while Animal Crossing is back in the top five.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between April 25 and May 8.

Fire Emblem Heroes is gearing up for its next summoning event. In Bridal Belonging, Tanith, Sigrun, Pent, and Fjorm will be featured. A new Paralogue Story is also planned.

Fire Emblem Heroes – Bridal Belonging kicks off on May 21. View a trailer for the event below.

A number of new deals are up and running on the North American Switch eShop. These include Nidhogg 2, Observer, Thumper, and many more.

Here’s the full roundup of sales:


We. The Revolution

We. The Revolution, a political game that takes place during the French Revolution and has you playing as a judge of the Revolutionary Tribunal, has been dated for Switch. Listings in both North America and Europe confirm that it’ll be ready on June 25.

Here’s an overview of We. The Revolution, along with a trailer:


Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


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