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A special SNK panel will soon be kicking off at PAX East 2018. SNK Heroines director Kaito Soranaka, veteran artist Naoto Abe, and other SNK staff are on hand for the 40th anniversary celebration. The panel will feature announcements, including the next character for SNK Heroines.

You can watch the panel as it happens below. We’ll also be sure to report back with any major news.

The Banner Saga will soon be appearing on Switch. While we wait for the game, you can see some early gameplay footage below.

Wales Interactive is bringing Late Shift to Switch, a listing on the European eShop reveals. The title is currently set for April 26.

Late Shift is described as “a high stakes FMV crime thriller.” We have further information below, along with a trailer.

Nintendo has published a big developer interview with some of the key team members behind Nintendo Labo. Nintendo Labo director Tsubasa Sakaguchi, Switch director / Nintendo Labo producer Kouichi Kawamoto, and Nintendo Labo hardware lead Mr. Ogasawara were brought in for the discussion.

The interview is really worth a read, as it covers how Nintendo Labo came to be, the struggles the team encountered (including disastrous consumer tests), changes that were made, and a whole lot more. Also, as a sidenote, we have confirmation that Tsubasa Sakaguchi moved on from Splatoon as one of the original game’s co-directors to Nintendo Labo.

Continue on below for the full interview.

Earlier this week, Pokemon Duel received a new version 6.0.0 update. We have a new trailer promoting the patch and its features below.

Brawlout update

A massive patch is on the way to Brawlout. Angry Mob Games has shared the full details, which includes a Ranked Mode, video capture, and a whole lot more.

No word yet on when the update is going live, but version 1.3 should be out soon since it’s been submitted to Nintendo. Read the full patch notes below.

Legend of Kay Anniversary was announced for Switch earlier in the year. Today, THQ Nordic confirmed that the game will be launching for Nintendo’s console on May 29.

We have some information about Legend of Kay Anniversary below, along with a trailer.

Garage - Nintendo Switch

New footage of tinyBuild’s new Switch game Garage has emerged from PAX East. For the latest footage, view the video below.

Nintendo World Report has posted a few minutes of footage from Fox n Forests out of PAX East 2018. Watch 10 minutes of gameplay below.

At PAX, GameXplain was able to chat with Suda51 about all things Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes. Suda51 weighed in on working with Switch, the game’s story and worlds, and more. You can watch the full interview below.

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