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Yoku's Island Express

Team17 and Villa Gorilla have released the latest trailer for Yoku’s Island Express, available below. We’re introduced to the residents of Mokumana Island and some of their quests. These include Fosfor who craves tasty Cove Mushrooms, Ohm, Tilo and Jamja who are the mountaineers clambering the Mt. Peak trail, and Spina the Juice Master Jeepers.

With Atelier Lydie & Suelle launching in the west, Koei Tecmo has prepared a new launch trailer for the game. We have it below.

As of today, Outlast 2 will be available on the Switch eShop. For a look at the port, check out the video below.

This week, the first episode of The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle is hitting Switch. We have some footage attached below.

Fire Emblem Heroes

A set of new quests are now available in Fire Emblem Heroes. As their name implies, the Earth Blessing quests require you to use units that have the Earth Blessing conferred on them. The quest objectives are defeating foes of a variety of levels and colors as well as clearing specific stratums of the Training Tower. The rewards for clearing the quests are orbs, feathers and stamina potions. The quests will be available for two weeks.

A new update for Snake Pass on Switch is now available. It changes the game’s icon back to the original icon, which has been the topic of much discussion in the Switch community. The update also adds a new Arcade Mode.


The official Fire Emblem Warriors Twitter account has posted screenshots of the three new History Mode maps that will be part of the upcoming Fire Emblem Awakening DLC pack. The three new playable characters that are added with this DLC are Owain, Tharja and Olivia, and their corresponding History Mode maps are based on the chapters in which they are recruited in Fire Emblem Awakening.


Detective Pikachu

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly Business (NSW) – 7/7/8/7

Detective Pikachu (3DS) – 8/9/8/8

Golf Story (NSW) – 8/9/7/8

Kawaii Pet to Kurasou! Wan’nyan & Idol Animal (3DS) – 7/7/8/7

Queen of Digs! (NSW) – 7/8/7/6

Far Cry 5 (PS4/XBO) – 9/9/9/9

Rooms: The Unsolvable Puzzle (PS4) – 7/8/7/7

In this week of Pokemon Shuffle the Ultra Challenge stage is White Kyurem and the Great Challenge Stages are Chikorita (Winking), Dialga, Lycanroc, Toxapex and Salazzle. The one chance per day stage is Cosmog and the daily Pokemon are Lunatone, Tyrogue, Castform, Mantyke and Solrock. The competitive stage is Mega Manectric and Pokemon Safari includes Darumaka, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Alolan Diglett, Darmanitan, Pikachu (Winking), Raichu (Winking), Manectric and Alolan Dugtrio.


The Nintendo Treehouse Log has updated again with another entry. For its latest post, the Fire Emblem Awakening DLC for Fire Emblem Warriors is covered in detail.

Here’s an excerpt:

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