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Though the game had released many years ago, the online servers for GoldenEye 007 have still been up and running on Wii. At least in Japan, they’ll be going offline on March 30. The news hasn’t been confirmed for other territories as of yet, but other regions could certainly be impacted as well.

You might be wondering how the online play for GoldenEye 007 could still be running after the end of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection a few years ago. While most games for Wii and DS were affected, a few were not – including this title.


With Christmas comes many new Switch owners, and indies are reaping the benefits. SMG Studio is one such developer that has confirmed a huge increase in sales during the holidays.

On Twitter, SMG said that Death Squared’s sales are up 500% during the Christmas period. That’s despite a lack of promotion and visibility. The game isn’t on sale either.

SMG stated:


Fiery Squirrel has announced Cosmos Defenders, a fast-paced 2D shooter for Switch. The game features “a group of unconventional heroes using the power of nature to stop chaotic aliens from taking over the universe.”

Here’s some additional information about the project:

The newest tempest trial has just gone live and will be up til January 9th. The character reward for this one will once again be Masked Marth, with the bonus characters being the new holiday themed characters plus Frederick, Nowi, Masked Marth and Lucina. Good luck!

In this week’s Pokemon Shuffle we have a new stage, Granbull (Winking), running until January 9th. There will also be an Arcanine and competitive Kyurem stage running til January 2nd.
Buzzwole, Meloetta Pirouette Forme, Hitmonlee, Silvally and Keldeo Resolute Form will also be beginning their repeat runs.


Nintendo has kicked off a special New Year’s event in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. Players will find new furniture, clothing, and more.

While the event is live, you may get countdown charms when completing requests from animals. If you collect enough, you’ll earn special New Year’s-themed items. It’s also possible to unlock New Year’s-themed clothing by completing animal requests.

Here’s a trailer for the upcoming Japanese Switch eShop game: Kaiji: Steel Beam Crossing of Despair. The game will be coming out on the 28th for 999 yen, you can see the video down below.

Creating the Switch was no easy task. In previous interviews, Nintendo has brought up how the word “balance” was key during development. This was something that was mentioned again in an interview with Toyo Keizai.

General Switch producer Yoshiaki Koizumi noted how game developers tend to be interested memory and a quality GPU for higher specs. As a developer himself, Koizumi can understand this. However, there was also the need to make the machine light, small, and stylish while giving consideration to the battery as well. On top of everything else, Nintendo only had a set amount of time and resources to produce the new console. So ultimately, balancing all of these different aspects was the most difficult part in developing Switch.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Wintertime bliss! Sparkling Snow Kingdom” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:


Nintendo has published a couple of new Japanese commercials for Mario Party: The Top 100. We have both of the adverts below.

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