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It’s time for the latest Famitsu‘s most wanted games chart. Super Mario Odyssey moves up back a spot, with Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 maintaining their positions.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between September 14 and September 20.

Since it’s October, that can only mean one thing: Super Mario Odyssey launches this month. Nintendo is celebrating with some special images.

We have a new wallpaper for the game above (primarily intended for smartphones). We also have the same image as a calendar below.


A first look at ClusterPuck 99 was given during Twitch’s EGX live stream. Get a look at the game with the gameplay recording below.

Unsung Story

Unsung Story has had an interesting yet troubled development. Playdek originally launched a Kickstarter for the tactical RPG back in 2014. The project itself was funded, but missed out on a 3DS stretch goal.

Updates on Unsung Story were almost non-existent until this past August when Little Orbit took over development. And that brings us today. Just announced on Kickstarter, Unsung Story is coming to Switch. Backers will be able to replace their previous platform selections with the new versions at no extra cost.

A big reason why people have had such high hopes for Unsung Story is because Yasumi Matsuno initially helped create the vision of the game. Matsuno previously directed hits such as Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story. Since Little Orbit is starting from scratch with development, we won’t be seeing Unsung Story for awhile, but hopefully it all turns out well in the end.


Nintendo published a new video highlighting the sorts of kingdoms and costumes you’ll encounter during your journey in Super Mario Odyssey. Check it out below.

Monster Hunter Stories received some special DLC in North America and Europe this week. The game received free Zelda content involving Link, Epona, and Majora’s Mask. You can view a bunch of footage from the new DLC below.

Remember the N64 kid? We may now have the 2017 version of that.

Recently, Erick Garcia gifted his son a N64 as a birthday present. Google Home was used to lead him to the background where a Switch was hidden away. The present was quickly taken inside and unwrapped. To say that Garcia’s kid was happy with the present would be an understatement.

Earth Atlantis is coming very soon to Switch. For an early look at the game, view the video below with several minutes of footage.

Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


At Milan Games Week earlier today, Nintendo held a live stream and showed off the latest Xenoblade Chronicles 2 footage. It’s the same area from Gamescom, but running on the latest build. Watch the footage below.

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