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The next update for ARMS will make its way out to players next week, Nintendo has announced.

Specifics about the patch are mostly under wraps. However, we do know that balance adjustments will be implemented. The update will be pushed out in the middle of the week.

The most recent update for ARMS released about a month ago. It was rather significant, adding in Max Brass as a playable character, his ARMS and stage, the “Hedlok Scramble” mode, and more. Next week’s update may not be as big, but will still be worthwhile.


Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a new stage, along with some brand new items.

“Let’s head to the festival! Miitomo Yukata Fashion #1” is the new stage. It includes the following:

– Pinned bun wig
– Goldfish tee
– Morning glory print yukata
– Rose print yukata dress

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Camisole + tee shirt
– Lace off-shoulder crop top
– Denim short shorts


Earlier today, Slime-san debuted on the Switch eShop. Even after you complete the game, you’ll have more content to enjoy down the road.

Developer Fabraz confirmed on Twitter that the DLC expansion “Blackbird’s Kraken” will be added to the Switch version in the future. Better yet, it will be entirely free.

If you’re interested in seeing what the DLC is all about, watch the trailer below.

Source, Via

In Japan, the developers of Flip Wars have kept the Switch game updated with regularly patches. These are now starting to reach Europe.

Those who have downloaded Flip Wars in Europe can access an update that adds a whole bunch of stuff. Nintendo outlines the details below:

North America will be the last major region to be getting Flip Wars. Nintendo is publishing the game on August 10.


NDTV has a new interview up with Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle director Davide Soliani. Among other things, Soliani confirmed that the game won’t make use of Switch’s touchscreen, and also teased some surprises.

Find the various comments from Soliani below. You can read the full interview on NDTV here.

The latest episode of the Play Nintendo Show has gone live. This time around, Andrew builds a “time thing” to travel into the future to find Splatoon 2. Check out the full episode below.


The “4 Peaks Update” for TumbleSeed arrived on Switch today. There’s quite a bit here, including six new game modes, new persistent unlockable abilities, a weekly challenge, and more. On top of that, aeiowu added in an additional feature that we didn’t see coming.

Switch players can now try out an exclusive 2-player Battle Mode. aeiowu describes it as follows

It’s a 1 on 1 King of the Hill style competitive mode. Basically, stay in the “hill” (blue diamond in this pic) and accumulate points to win. You spawn with a new power after dying. Those are based on if you’re winning or losing. We’re having a lot of fun w/ it here at the office. Controls can be two joy-cons, a pro controller and a set of joy-cons or whatever you can dream up. It’s all local, on-the-go or docked.

Rounding out today’s TumbleSeed news is an imminent sale for the game. The discount isn’t actually live yet due to some sort of mixup, but when it is, you’ll be able to grab it for just $9.99.


The first update for Cave Story+ has arrived. Nicalis published the patch today, which adds the option to play through the game with classic graphics. It maintains the 16:9 aspect ratio, but ditches some of the new bells and whistles like water effects and animations on character portraits.

Here’s a comparison:

Nicalis will continue updating Cave Story+ in the future. Among the additional features planned is a co-op mode in which you can play together with a friend.


You may have seen a little bit of sales news tucked away in today’s Nintendo Download report. That’s right: I Am Setsuna has received its first eShop sale on Switch.

I Am Setsuna can be purchased for $26.79, where it was $39.99 originally. The game has also been discounted to €26.79 / £20.09 from €39.99 / £29.99 in Europe.

This sale lasts until August 10.

Zerodiv seems to have only just started bringing arcade games to Switch. After Gunbarich and Strikers 1945 made their way to the eShop this week, more titles are in store.

Zerodiv has indicated that additional arcade titles will be put on Switch in the future. It’s just unknown which games those are specifically at this time.



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