Fire Emblem Heroes – Tempest Trials+: Before We Met now live
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The latest Tempest Trials+ event is now available. It features Azura: Young Songstress as well as the two Sacred Seals, Atk/Def Bond 1 and Water Boost 1 as big rewards. Players can clear maps to earn rewards, as well as earn Refining Stones through daily quests. The rewards for daily quests will increase in the second half of the event. Check the app for more information.
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp – 5th Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt event now live
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The latest Gyroidite scavenge is now playable in Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. You can find these special 1st-anniversary Gyroidites to craft clothing celebrating the first year of the mobile game. You can also purchase special packs from the store. The event runs through November 21. Here’s a list of the clothing courtesy of Perfectly Nintendo.
First Anniversary (Gyroidite) Clothing
- first-anniv. top hat (elegant): first-anniv. gyroidite x80 + 1 920 Bells; OR Leaf Ticket x104
- first-anniv. sunglasses (elegant): first-anniv. gyroidite x10 + 240 Bells; OR Leaf Ticket x12
- happy party tuxedo (elegant): Leaf Ticket x90
- happy party dress (elegant): Leaf Ticket x90
- red party tuxedo (elegant): first-anniv. gyroidite x60 + 1 440 Bells; OR Leaf Ticket x72
- party slacks (elegant): first-anniv. gyroidite x20 + 480 Bells; OR Leaf Ticket x24
- party boots (elegant): first-anniv. gyroidite x5 + 120 Bells; OR Leaf Ticket x6
- blue party dress (elegant): first-anniv. gyroidite x60 + 1 440 Bells; OR Leaf Ticket x72
Dragalia Lost: Elemental Ruins half-stamina event now live, A Wish to the Winds event announced, more
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
A lot of Dragalia news just arrived. First of all, the event allowing you to participate in Elemental Ruins quests at half-stamina event is playable now through November 18.
Second, an event called A Wish to the Winds was announced for November 15. Here’s the description:
This event will pit your group of adventurers against bosses of the water element. You’ll also be able to build event-relatedd reward facilities!
There’s also a new chapter of the manga and an epilogue added to the Kindness and Captivity raid event. You can find more details on the app.
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Fire Emblem Heroes – Tempest Trials+: Before We Met starts November 12, summoning event live
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
On November 12, Fire Emblem Heroes will be hosting its next big event. Tempest Trials+: Before We Met is set to begin and will feature Azura: Young Songstress as well as the two Sacred Seals, Atk/Def Bond 1 and Water Boost 1 as big rewards. Players can clear maps to earn rewards.
Tying in with the new Tempest Trials+, a related summoning focus is now live for the bonus allies in that event. A trio of Heroes from among the bonus allies are available as part of a 5-star summoning focus.
By the way, Grand Hero Julius: Scion of Darkness has returned in Special Maps. By defeating him, you can gain him as an ally. There are also limitd-time special quests available until November 16.
Nintendo on the possibility of more mobile collaborations, Mario Kart Tour still on track
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Almost all of Nintendo’s mobile games were developed in-house. But for Dragalia Lost, the company teamed up with Cygames. Could there be more collaborations in the future?
Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa commented on the possibility during the company’s latest financial results briefing, explaining:
More: Mario Kart Tour, Shuntaro Furukawa
Nintendo on Dragalia Lost’s early success – played by many Cygames fans in Japan, mainly Nintendo fans in US
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
During a recent financial results briefing, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa commented on the early success of Dragalia Lost.
Furukawa stated out by saying that the mobile game is “off to a good start” before adding that “it seems to have found a certain number of consumers who play it continuously.” The game has plenty of players who are Cygames fans in Japan while those in the United States are “predominantly Nintendo fans.” Nintendo is also seeing strong daily sales and in-game sales “stand apart from what we have seen with past applications.”
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost, Shuntaro Furukawa
Super Mario Run – appearance rate of 5-star items in the Bonus Game increased (11/9/18)
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Over the past several weeks, Nintendo has been cycling through its regular events in Super Mario Run. The latest one is now live.
As of today, the appearance rate of 5-star items in the Bonus Game will be increased. This extra incentive will be live until November 17.
More: Super Mario Run
Fire Emblem Heroes: Adrift summoning event and Aether Raids mode now live
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
Major additions just arrived for Fire Emblem Heroes. The Adrift summoning event teased earlier arrived, featuring new Heroes from Fire Emblem Fates. Here are some additions.
- A new set of Story Maps, and more precisely a Paralogue Story called “Adrift” (featuring the usual 3 maps);
- A new set of Quests related to the Paralogue Story;
- Athe usual set of Log-in Bonuses, with 13 Orbs to get in total.
Finally, Fire Emblem Heroes launched a brand new mode. You can participate in Aether Raids, where you can “defeat your rivals and set your sites on distant skies.” The first time you play you’ll receive 500 Aether Stones to set up your map ahead of battle.
Dragalia Lost: Changes to Shop announced, will require an hour of maintenance
Posted on 6 years ago by Matt O'Keefe(@matt_okeefe) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
The Dragalia Lost shop is about to receive an update allowing you to purchase in-game items more often. Even better, it will require less than an hour of maintenance. The store will be offline on November 12 from 12:30 am to 1:20 am. Check out the changes you can expect at the shop below.
- The Upgrade Packs for each element will be available to purchase twice per week instead of once
- The Adventurer’s Boon Pack will be available to purchase 3 times per week instead of twice
- The Equipment Booster Pack will be available to purchase 3 times per week instead of twice
- The Unbind Pack (Mana Circles) will be available to purchase twice per month instead of once
More: Cygames, Dragalia Lost
Niantic CEO wants Pokemon GO to more closely resemble first trailer, have it always be a part of your life
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Mobile, News | 0 comments
One of the many reasons why people were initially excited about Pokemon GO was thanks to its first trailer. A number of neat things were shown in that video, such as a greater tie in with augmented reality and a big group of players battling Mewtwo in Time Square. If Niantic CEO John Hanke has its way, Pokemon GO will more closely resemble the trailer in the future.
Niantic CEO John Hanke appeared on stage with Epic Games chief executive officer Tim Sweeney for a chat at the Samsung Developer Conference 2018 earlier today. Hanke mentioned that the company wants to take advantage of improved technology, including deep learning, 5G networks, and better hardware. By doing so, Pokemon GO could be more like its debut trailer.
Also during the chat, Hanke said that Niantic wants Pokemon GO to be something that is always a part of your life rather than something you play for a bit. One of the first steps towards that is the new Adventure Sync functionality in which the game synchronizes with health apps that count your real life steps. Players can then progress and hatch Pokemon Eggs more quickly.