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Update 2: Even more passcodes are popping up. Keep checking this post throughout the day to see if any more have been added. Enter 86000504 to get a Moves +5 and 86040006 to get 400 coins.

Update: A whole bunch of passcodes for the 3DS version have been revealed. Enter 86100002 in the 3DS version to get 1000 coins, 08645601 to get a Mega Speedup, 86010010 to get 100 coins, 08630007 to get 300 coins, 08620009 to get 200 coins and 08650005 to get 500 coins.

As we reported yesterday, Pokemon Shuffle is now available on Android and iOS in Japan. While the two games don’t share or allow you to transfer your save date, there is an interesting cross-promotion going on right now.

A passcode which gives you Lucarionite in the mobile version was delivered via the 3DS version today – enter 65607110 to get it. The mobile version, meanwhile, gave out two codes for the 3DS version (as per usual, they work in all regional versions of the game). Enter 08601003 to get a Time +10 and 86001508 to get an Exp. Points *1.5 item.

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Today marks the release date of Pokemon Shuffle on mobile devices – specifically for Android and iOS devices in Japan. A Western release date has not yet been announced.

You won’t be able to transfer your save data from the 3DS version, and competition rankings are separate for both versions.


During Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2015, DeNA West CEO Shintaro Asako further commented on DeNA’s partnership with Nintendo.

He said:

“The Nintendo deal is a huge, huge deal. Nintendo has the best IP, and IP that’s perfect matched to smartphones”.

Asako also spoke about how talks with Nintendo began years ago. Originally, DeNA hoped that Nintendo would be interested in releasing games on Mobage.

It shouldn’t be too long now before Nintendo and DeNA announce their first mobile title. In DeNA’s Q1 financial report, the company mentioned that it’s “currently making announcement plans”. This indicates that we’ll be hearing soon.

Nintendo’s first mobile game will arrive later this year. By March 2017, there should be roughly five titles available for smart devices.

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Scott Moffitt, executive VP of sales at Nintendo of America, has once again spoke about the reasoning and timing of NX’s announcement.

Moffitt told Examiner:

“Going back to the reveal, it was important for us to reinforce to our loyal game fans out there that we remain committed to the world of dedicated game platforms. We believe there is magic that occurs when you have a marriage between the hardware, operating system and game content itself. It was important for us to recommit, on behalf of our game fans, to that business. We didn’t want people to think we were migrating away from that core principle, which is we believe in the power of dedicate game platforms and we are going to remain in that business.”

Moffitt went on to talk about Nintendo’s decision to pursue the smart devices as well. He said that this space will be used as an “additive” for the company’s console business.

“We can’t deny the massive install base of smartphones out there, and some fans that aren’t old enough yet to afford their own gaming console, perhaps for those consumers they can start to appreciate some of our content and build a relationship with some of our characters and our franchises. We feel it’s going to be an additive to our console business.”

The mobile edition of Pokemon Shuffle is releasing in Japan this month, a trailer shown on the territory’s TV programming reveals. A beta was previously held for Android users between June 30 and July 14. Pokemon Shuffle Mobile should be available in the west this year as well.


DeNA West CEO Shintaro Asako has shared a few more words about the company’s partnership with Nintendo.

“I think this is potentially an opportunity for us to completely change the market. Nintendo has by far the best gaming IP,” Asako told PocketGamer. Asako added that “DeNA’s expertise is definitely backend.”

Nintendo will be handling the bulk of its mobile game development, but DeNA is pitching in on the technical end. DeNA will also be responsible for Nintendo’s new membership service, which opens this fall.


We know that Nintendo is working with DeNA on games for mobile. We’ve also known for a few months now that the first game is coming this year, with four additional titles arriving by the end of March 2017.

DeNA West CEO Shintaro Asako has now indicated that the initial games will be in different genres. Asako told Pocket Gamer:

“I understand some people like RPGs, casual games. That’s why we decided to work together to create five games, hitting on different genre-utilizing IPs. We want to make sure out of those five IP that we can end up attracting hundreds of millions of people.”

Asako called its collaboration with Nintendo “the most crucial partnership” in DeNA’s history. He also says that it’s a challenge since “people are expecting a lot”.


Smart device game applications are drawing attention in the game industry because so many people around the world own smart devices (smartphones and tablets) and because, even though the total number is small, there have been several successful applications that have been hugely profitable after becoming very popular.

On the other hand, the competition among smart device applications has been so fierce that Nintendo cannot succeed just by releasing any software title with its popular characters or the themes in its popular game franchises. Any company that releases a new smart device application must face the challenge of making it stand out among the crowd.

About the shareholder’s question on how to charge for smart device applications, in general, there is one system to ask consumers to make a one-time payment for the application and another system to ask consumers to pay for additional downloadable content. As for the latter, people often call it the “free-to-play” system. However, since Nintendo is a company that wants the value of the games to be appreciated by consumers and wants to keep the games’ value at as high a level as possible, we do not want to use the free-to-play terminology that implies that you can play games free-of-charge. Instead, we use the term “free-to-start,” as this term more aptly describes that at the beginning you can start to play for free. And, the fact of the matter is, game software with a one-time payment system has not been doing a great job on smart devices. Because there are so many competitors making smart device applications, there is fierce competition and the pressure to lower prices. As a result of this competition to discount products, smart device game applications are being sold at far lower prices than the ones for dedicated video game systems. I think some of you would have seen such campaigns as “90 percent discount for smart device applications” in the shops on your smart devices. Because it is a digital product, it does not require transportation fees nor other constant expenses necessary for packaged software, and some may think it is good if it sells (even at a low price point), but once the value of a software title decreases, it can never be increased again. Since Nintendo wants to cherish the value of software, there will be a limit to how low of a price we might want to attach to our game applications for smart devices. The price of our game applications on smart devices will be compared with the prices of other smart device game applications. We believe we should not limit our payment system only to one-time payments, even though this is not something that we can announce as a general principle because different payment systems suit different kinds of software.

If I can add a few more explanations about the free-to-start system, even though you can start playing with the application for free, it later requires you to pay if you want to play beyond the initial area or to pay for items if you want to play the game in a more advantageous position. In extreme examples, some games are designed so that the players will be so excited psychologically as a result of, for example, being able to obtain a very rare item that they do not think twice about pushing the button, which immediately completes the monetary transaction and the player is charged with the bill. We know that some of such games have become a social issue. For your further information, in Japan, among those who are playing free-to-start games on their smart devices, the number of people who are actually spending money is very small. Yet, because this small group of people is paying a large sum of money, with which they could have even purchased several dedicated video game systems, this is one reason this free-to-start model can be very profitable. On the other hand, when we look around the world, the situation is different, and such a charging system has not necessarily been working well. When we look at successful smart device game applications abroad, a number of companies have been asking each of a greater number of consumers to pay less money. Companies may be able to make a very profitable business in Japan by asking a small group of consumers to pay a large amount of money (for their smart device applications), but we do not think that the same approach would be embraced by people around the world. Accordingly, even though we recognize that it is not an easy path to take, as long as Nintendo makes smart device applications, we must make them so that they appeal not just to some limited age group but to a wide age demographic just as our games thus far have been doing, and they should appeal to anyone regardless of their gaming experiences and gender, and most importantly, regardless of different cultures, nationalities and languages. We would like to make several software titles that are considered worldwide hits as soon as possible.

Regarding your question about the target audience, we are trying to make applications that appeal to a wide variety of people so that the games can receive payments widely but shallowly from each consumer. In other words, even if a consumer makes a relatively small payment, because of the large consumer base, the game can generate big revenue. This is the business model we would like to realize. I think the shareholder has just asked these questions partially because he is concerned that Nintendo might shift to the notorious business model that asks a small number of people to pay excessive amounts of money and that Nintendo’s brand image might be hurt. Please understand that Nintendo will make its proposals by taking into consideration what Nintendo really should do with this new challenge.

On a different note, we are not planning to release many game applications from this year (when our first smart device application will be released) to the next. The reason for this is that software for dedicated game systems is considered a “product” that tends to produce the strongest and most fresh impact on the world at the time of its release into the market but its impact can be lost gradually as time goes by. With that analogy, smart device applications have a strong aspect of “service.” Even though the initial number of players tends to be small, those who have played invite others to play too, and as the total number of the players gradually increases, so does the revenue. This, however, means that the release of the game does not mark the end of its development. If the game cannot offer services that evolve even on a daily basis, it cannot entertain consumers over the long term. Accordingly, we would like to spend sufficient time on the service aspect of each title, and we would like to grow each one of our small number of game applications with the objectives that I just mentioned.


A new interview with Reggie Fils-Aime was added to Forbes’ website today. Reggie discussed several topics, including Nintendo’s E3 showing, hardware, Wii U sales, Skylanders, amiibo, and mobile.

Those who are interested in reading up on what Reggie had to say can head past the break for the Q&A breakdown. You’ll find Forbes’ original piece with a few additional comments here as well.

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