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mario kart tour singapour tour trailer

Nintendo has come out with a new trailer for Mario Kart Tour that introduces the game’s brand new Singapore trailer. The event was first made known last week, though this is the first time we have a proper video.

Below is the full trailer:

Here are the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • Resplendent Hero Est: Junior Whitewing is now available to Feh Pass subscribers. In addition, Feh Pass Quests have been updated. These quests are available until Jan. 24, 10:59 PM PT. For further info, please see the Feh Pass website.
  • Limited Hero Battles are now in Special Maps! Win these battles with limited deployment options for rewards like Hero Feathers and Divine Codes (Part 2). Starting Jan. 9, 11 PM PT, battles will appear daily for 5 days. Today’s features Fernand: Traitorous Knight!
  • A three-army battle between Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude is about to unfold! Grand Conquests starts Jan. 12, 3 AM PT! Join forces with an army to earn rewards such as Orbs and Divine Codes (Ephemera 1)! Tap Events and then Grand Conquests to pre-register.

A new summoning focus is live now in Fire Emblem Heroes, and this one includes heroes from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones. The heroes featured in this event are: 

  • 5-star Joshua: Resolute Tempest
  • 5-star Rennac: Rich “Merchant”
  • 5-star Colm: Capable Thief
  • 5-star Neimi: Tearful Archer

All of these heroes will be included in this summoning focus until January 28, 2022, and the first summon is free. Also, summoning Joshua will award players an Ascendant Floret which is an item can be used to strengthen other heroes. After 40 summons, a free 5-star hero will be given out and Celestial Stones as well.

Information and artwork for all the 5-star heroes featured can be viewed below.

A new track for Mario Kart Tour has been announced via a Twitter campaign launched by the official Mario Kart Tour Twitter page. This new track is the Singapore Speedway, and it has been revealed in a Twitter promotion where players can tweet the hashtag #TraveltheWorldWithMarioKart and a random track trailer will play in a reply to their tweet.

One of the trailers in this collection is from the new Singapore Speedway track, and its video comes with a new costume for Luigi – a vacation getup!

A new co-op battle event has gone live in Pokemon Masters EX. This event is the Dragon-Type gear event, and it allows players to earn Dragon-type gear by completing event battles. 

New gear has been added alongside this event, including:

    • 3-star Dragon Bracelet
    • 3-star Dragon Pin
    • 3-star Dragon Bandana

Pokemon GO Mega Aerodactyl

Mega Aerodactyl will be making its first appearance in Pokemon GO, Niantic revealed today.

The company is gearing up for a new Mountains of Power event, which continues the Season of Heritage. Niantic teases: “Spark’s intuition leads him to believe that the mysterious door’s second mechanism requires the help of Rock- and Steel-type Pokémon to unlock it. Journey through terrain reminiscent of the mountains found in regions like Johto and Sinnoh, and work with Spark to unlock the next mechanism!”

Fire Emblem Heroes New Heroes & Ascended Joshua

New Heroes & Ascended Joshua will be the next summoning event in Fire Emblem Heroes, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems announced today. It will feature characters from Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones.

The event will feature Neimi: Tearful Archer (voiced by Giselle Fernandez, art by Hasumi Kaoru), Rennac: Rich “Merchant” (voiced by Landon McDonald, art by Shimomura Watari), Colm: Capable Thief (voiced by Henry Mason, art by Saori Toyota), and Joshua: Resolute Tempest (voiced by Todd Haberkorn, art by Okuma Yugo). Neimi comes with the skills Rapid-Crier Bow, Moonbow, Spd/Res Bond 4, and Joint Drive Res. Rennac has Vicious Dagger+, Glimmer, Atk/Spd Solo 4, and Disarm Trap 3. As for Colm, he features the skills Quick Dagger+, Pivot, Moonbow, Atk/Spd 2, and Atk/Res Link 3. Lastly, Joshua is able to use Blade of Jehanna, Glimmer, Life and Death 4, Null Follow-Up 3, and Green Feud 3.

Pokemon GO Bulbasaur Classic Community Day

Niantic has announced a special Community Day Classic for Pokemon GO that will feature Bulbasaur. This is being held during the Season of Heritage.

During the event, you’ll have a higher chance of encountering Bulbsaur. And if you’re lucky enough, you may encounter a Shiny version. Those that evolve Ivysaur (Bulbasaur’s Evolution) during the Community Day or up to two hours afterward will receive a Venusaur that knows the Charged Attack Frenzy Plant.

Here are the latest events in Fire Emblem Heroes:

  • By popular demand, the New Heroes (and accompanying Forging Bonds) event returning in March is… Nótt and More! Look forward to meeting these Heroes once again!
  • Captain Skills for this week’s Summoner Duels are Earth Rendering, Adroit Captain, and Secret Maneuver! Bonus titles for Resonant Battles are Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem. Allegiance Battles will not be held this week.
  • Heroes with Moonbow skills are featured as part of a 5-Star summoning focus! Heroes with Moonbow treat their foe’s Def/Res stats as if they were reduced by 30% during combat. Your first summon in this event won’t cost any Orbs!

The latest events to come to Dragalia Lost are as follows:

  • A Prize Showcase starts on Jan. 4, 10 PM PT! 5-Star adventurers Mitsuhide and Seimei and 5-Star dragon Daikokuten will be featured. When you summon on the Prize Showcase, you will get a prize in addition to the adventurer or dragon who appears!
  • Iblis’s Trial (Water) becomes available in Trials of the Mighty in Dragalia Lost on Jan. 4, 10 PM PT. Take on this quest to earn materials for unlocking Catherine’s mana spiral from the daily bonus.
  • A sixth mana circle, the mana spiral, will be added to 5-Star adventurer Catherine on or around Jan. 4, 10 PM PT.

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