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Switch eShop

Fight'N Rage

Fight’N Rage, a side-scrolling beat ’em up from developer sebagamesdev, is on the way to Switch. An eShop listing shows that Blitworks will be publishing the game on September 26.

We have the following overview and trailer for Fight’N Rage:

Neon Drive, a retro-futuristic arcade game, is out now on Switch as a digital download. Have a look at some footage below.

Capcom has gone live with the English launch trailer for Devil May Cry 2. Have a look at the video below.

Laughing Jackal’s high-octane arcade puzzler Cubixx is making its way to Switch on October 3, publisher Ghostlight
has announced. It will be sold digitally via the eShop.

We have the following overview and trailer for Cubixx:

A new trailer is in for the 3D shooting game Flying Girl Striker, which hits the Switch eShop on September 25. Watch it below.

The strategy title Paper Train is coming to Switch, developer IsTom Games announced today. It will be available on the eShop as of September 29.

Here’s an overview of Paper Train, along with a trailer:


The psychedelic puzzle adventure Infini is in the works for Switch, developer Barnaque and publisher have announced. A release is planned for Q1 2020 on the eShop.

Here’s an overview of Infini, along with a trailer:

The horror game Paper Dolls Original is due out on the Switch eShop today. Take a look at some footage in the video below.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

AI: The Somnium Files (available September 20)
LEGO Jurassic World Zenith (available September 20)
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (available September 20)
The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening (available September 20)
Zenith (available September 20)

Neo Cab has finally received a release date. The narrative title will launch via the eShop on October 3, publisher Fellow Traveler and developer Chance Agency announced today.

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