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Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country will be handling battles a bit differently than in the base game. Your team will consist of one driver and two blades, and team’s members are fixed in battle.

Lora is paired with Jin and Haze. Addam will be able to use Mythra and Minoth. Finally, Hugo has Brighid and Aegaeon.

Here’s a look at the different setups:


Amazon UK is listing several placeholders for Switch – though it’s unclear how long they’ve been present on the retailer’s website.

A quick search of the placeholders can be found here. Some are a bit questionable, as a couple have the Pokemon logo while another features the Smash Bros. Ultimate boxart.

Often these placeholders point to an upcoming event like a Nintendo Direct, but we’re not entirely sure if that’s the case here. Again, no one has been able to pinpoint how long they’ve been on Amazon UK thus far. There are a couple of possible errors as well with the Pokemon and Smash Bros. pages. Still, Gamescom is just on the horizon, and you never know when a Nintendo Direct will be taking place.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


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Okami HD might have been digital-only in the west, but Capcom did offer a physical version in Japan – complete with a limited edition. Check out an unboxing video of the package below.

Play-Asia has sold out of the limited edition, but you can import a regular physical copy of Okami HD on Switch here.

Nintendo still isn’t done with sharing concept art from Super Mario Odyssey. Today, we have a look at Peach wearing yukata.

Here’s Nintendo’s message about the design:

Night Trap - 25th Anniversary Edition

Night Trap will finally launch on a Nintendo console when the classic title graces Switch this month. The digital release is planned for August 24, according to an eShop listing.

Here’s an overview from the eShop page, along with a trailer:

A little while back, it was announced that the Switch version of Undertale is launching September 15 in Japan. We also heard that a collector’s edition is in the works.

Now we have some news for the west. Just like in Japan, Undertale for Switch arrives in September. A collector’s edition will also be offered stateside, which includes:

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Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

FDG Entertainment readied a few new screenshots from the beautiful Switch title Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom. See the latest images below for a look at the final graphics with hand-drawn character animations.


The next Japanese Splatfest in Splatoon 2 is another sponsored food-themed one – Meiji Mushroom Mountain vs Meiji Bamboo Shoot Field. Today, the special artwork for this Splatfest featuring the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook was released; you can see it above.



Nintendo has posted another update to the Smash Bros. Blog for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This time around, we have an introduction for Richter.

Here’s the overview:

It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate remains its position at #3 this week.

Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between July 26 and August 1.

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