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New Switch accessories are on the way from PowerA. Three items are set for release this month.

First up, a Breath of the Wild messenger bag is lined up for March 15. Here’s an overview of the product:



Below are the latest Nintendo products that can be currently pre-ordered at retailers:


Kirby Star Allies

A demo for Kirby Star Allies went live in Europe on Thursday. Nintendo didn’t make the download available in North America at the time, but that has since changed. Indeed: the Kirby Star Allies is live stateside now as well.

Kirby Star Allies launches on March 16. The demo takes up 823MB of space.

Source: Switch eShop

Best Buy has a significant discount on Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle this week. The game started out at $59.99, but is now down to $29.99. If you’re a Gamers Club Unlocked member, the price further drops to $23.99. Place an order here if interested.

Saber Interactive finally provided an update on Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn last month. The game is scheduled for this spring, and will be receiving a physical version from Wired Productions.

Shaq Fu will continue the tradition of Switch versions costing $10 more than its console counterparts. If you plan on picking up a copy at retail on Nintendo’s console, it’ll cost $39.99, according to Amazon’s listing (pre-orders are now open here by the way). The PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions are listed for $29.99.

The latest Japanese Splatfest in Splatoon 2 is over. After a day of battles, Nintendo has posted the results.

The new Splatfest had flowers going up against dangos (a Japanese dumpling). You can read about the significance of this in Japan here.

We’ve seen many close Splatfests in the past, and that was once again the case here. Despite losing in popularity, Team Flower squeaked by with a 2-1 win thanks to wins in solo and team battles.



Nintendo Labo

Over the past couple of weeks, Famitsu has started running regular features on Nintendo Labo. As part of this, the magazine spoke with four different members of the gaming industry for their thoughts on the new Switch initiative. Rez and Space Channel 5 creator Tetsuya Mizuguchi, Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada, Bandai Namco’s Jun Tamaoki (Summer Lesson), and Famitsu editor-in-chief Katsuhiko Hayashi weighed in on Nintendo Labo.

We’ve gone ahead and translated their various remarks. You can find the full comments from each of these people below.

Even after you’ve completed the main story in Super Mario Odyssey, there’s still plenty more to do. You’ll still have more costumes to obtain, new Moons to collect, and new kingdoms to explore.

A lot has been made over a new issue that has surfaced with Switch as the system rings in its first anniversary. For games that have been played over a year, the play time count in your profile is no longer displaying properly. Instead of showing how long you’ve played, the profile instead starts out by stating that you’ve started playing it “x days ago” – which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

Nintendo of America commented on the issue yesterday, indicating that the situation is being investigated and more news is coming soon. Nintendo’s Japanese support site now has further news about what has occurred.


Shantae Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition will soon be releasing physically on Switch. By buying the game around launch, you’ll receive the “Day One Limited Edition”. Amazon provides us a look at the full contents as shown in the image above.

A couple of extra goodies will be provided in the package. Along with the game, customers will receive an exclusive artbook and music soundtrack.

You can pre-order the Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Ultimate Edition Day One Limited Edition on Amazon or GameStop.

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