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Nintendo brought in extreme sports athlete Mich Kemeter for a new promotion. Kemeter visited the Gorges Du Verdon in France, went up on a highline, and played a bit of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. You can see it for yourself below.

LEGO Worlds has secured an official release date for Switch. Retailers had hinted at an early September launch, which Warner Bros. has now confirmed.

In North America, LEGO Worlds will be available for Switch on September 5. The European release will follow on September 8.

Source 1, Source 2

When WWE 2K18 releases on Switch this fall, it will only be sold as a regular title. 2K Sports unveiled a collector’s edition for the game today, but it does not appear to be planned for the console. The announcement specifically mentions that it “will be available exclusively for PlayStation 4 or Xbox One.”

2K previously announced a Deluxe Edition for WWE 2K18 as well. As far as we know, this will also not be offered on Switch.

The way 2K is handling WWE on Switch comes in contrast to NBA 2K18. With the latter game, Switch is receiving all versions, including both Legend Editions.


Nintendo UK published a new piece of Super Mario Odyssey art yesterday. The image, attached above, shows the capture mechanic in action with Mario taking over a Goomba.


A new trailer is up showing the latest footage from Constructor. We still have awhile to go until the Switch release, as the game is hitting Nintendo’s console sometime in October. For now, view the new video below.

Dragon Quest XI will be released in Japan on Friday, but that isn’t stopping Weekly Jump magazine from releasing some new info on the game.

There will be a special type of enemy in the game called reincarnated monsters. As their name implies, they have been reborn and thus look different than their regular counterparts. They might have a different color scheme or other distinguishing features. It’s not all about their appearance though – these monsters are also pretty rare. Hunting them down for special quests given to you by NPCs can net you some great rewards though.


Heikki Repo, Creative Director of Oceanhorn developer Cornfox & Brothers, recently talked to Gearnuke about Oceanhorn and the Switch in general. Here’s what he had to say about developing for the system:
Oceanhorn was first released on mobile hardware, so it was very flexible game to port for mobile based Nintendo Switch. I see bright future for Nintendo Switch, as it has a support for Unreal Engine 4 for example and we are currently spearheading the mobile development on UE4 with Oceanhorn 2.
It depends on indie developer. Some indie developers don’t care much about saving resources, but it is everything for us as we are developing for mobile first (or parallel development), so our games have been optimized right from the beginning. This way we can add stuff for higher-end platforms later on. Nintendo Switch is already couple of years old hardware (NVIDIA Tegra X1), so latest iOS devices that we use for development are already more powerful than Switch. But developing mobile first helps and Oceanhorn 2 is going to look great on Switch, when the time comes!
So there you have it. Oceanhorn 2 is currently in development for mobile devices, but it looks like porting it to the Switch won’t be much of an issue for the developers.

Nintendo just sent out a new update for Splatoon 2. The latest version for the game is 1.1.2.

Today’s update addresses an issue with the SplatNet Gear Shop as well as a problem with displaying ranking information. Additionally, Nintendo adjusted the number of points required to fill the special gauge for a few weapons.

We’ve posted the full patch notes below.

A new update was issued for Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition yesterday, and it was a fairly significant one. When playing docked, the game runs at 1080p as opposed to 720p with previous versions. It makes a big difference with the right TV, especially compared to the initial 720 display.

Digital Foundry has also discovered that texture filtering has received a boost on Switch. No compromises were made, as Minecraft still has a render distance between 11 and 12 chunks while docked. The world is also still at the medium 3072×3072 block setting.

Digital Foundry explores Minecraft’s new patch in detail – including frame rate – in the video below.

Polygon put up a new video today containing 15 minutes of direct-feed footage from the upcoming Switch RPG Lost Sphear. Check it out below.

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