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Chao won’t be present in Sonic Forces. Producer Shun Nakamura and Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka, speaking with IGN, confirmed that they won’t be featured with the site.

Chao were most prominent in the Sonic Adventure games. These creatures, which were essentially digital pets in the games, let players raise their stats, increase levels, take on races, and more.




This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“The internal conversations we have is that on one hand, the development teams would love to showcase their content to a wider base, and certainly in short order the install base on Nintendo Switch will be larger than the install base we ended with Wii U.

“So there is that opportunity. What also drives the discussion, though is ‘what more will there be?’ Meaning, let’s take Mario Kart 8 Deluxe as an example. It needed to be the definitive version of that software for the consumer to be as excited as they are. Pokken Tournament DX with the additional fighters, the additional Pokemon, that was important for it to be an element of the game. What we are internally resisting is just a pure port, versus thinking about how not only do we showcase a game to a wider audience, but how do we make sure that there’s something more? So it’s an active discussion.”

This information comes from Fire Emblem Warriosr producer Yosuke Hayashi…

– Game will have more than the typical eight to fourteen playable characters that are usually in Warriors games
– Chose characters that there would be a good representation of different weapon types

On permadeath…

“There’s definitely that element included in a way that makes sense for a Warriors game.”

– Content on Switch and New 3DS will be the same

“Of course, we’re talking about two different hardware, so how the game is rendered on the two different kinds of hardware – the specs might be different. In terms of the graphics, for example, the number of enemies of enemies that can appear on the screen [varies], but the gameplay is definitely the same.”


This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“In Kyoto, we have a new research and development center that is full of software developers and hardware developers and, essentially, Mr. [Shinya] Takahashi [general manager of entertainment planning] and his team managing those resources to make sure that, should we have a situation with one game lagging, there’s another game that can be pushed forward.”


This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“As Nintendo looks at the overall online digital experience there’s a recognition that there’s a lot of work to be world class. And we pride ourselves … We believe our IP is world class. We believe that when we create a piece of hardware it’s world class. We need to get our digital environment world class. And that’s what we’re working hard to do.”

– There are features that Nintendo is specifically prioritizing that he knows consumers expect
– Those include voice chat, but also entertainment services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, which Nintendo “recognizes are important for a device you can take with you”

– The original game is based on the comic 2000 AD, the same series that Judge Dredd came from
– Tells the story of Rogue, a soldier that was genetically created to fight a battle on a planet that was bombed with all sorts of chemical weapons
– One side is trying to win the war and take control of the entire planet
– Rogue is part of a squad with fellow creations and after a series of orders ends up with him being the only survivor, he sets out to seek his revenge against the general that gave the wrong orders
– Rogue was genetically created
– This lets him withstand the harsh environment that the battles take place in
– While he can’t die, if shot enough, he will die
– If you have enough health in the parts, most of Rogue’s health will regenerate
– If it drops too low, then you need to use a medpak to restore it to its max level
– Standard shooting until one of your fellow soldiers dies and you remove his implant
– That soldiers’ personality he adds it to his gun and then Rogue’s weapon will track enemies when you aim at them
– The gun will start to talk to you at times and also provide an auto tracking function
– As you find other soldiers and claim their chips you gain new abilities, which is in line with the comics
– The game will tell the story, but as its sourced from the comics, it might be limited
– Cutscene at the start that tried to explain just how Rogue and his group came to be and what the humans that created them, or have to work with them, think about these blue skinned fighters


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