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Several game demos are playable at Nintendo NY this week. In case you’re wondering what the lineup looks like, here’s the full list:

– Super Mario Odyssey
– Fire Emblem Warriors
– Pokken Tournament DX
– Ever Oasis
– Miitopia

Note that the New 2DS XL can also be tried out.

And here’s a recap of all activity at Nintendo NY this week:


Brandwatch has some new information about social media activity for the Nintendo Spotlight: E3 2017 video presentation.

Here are some of the notable tidbits:

– Over 50,000 mentions of the Nintendo Spotlight between 9 and 9:30am PT
– 74% of gender-categorized authors were male, 26% were female.
– Highlights: The largest mention spike during the conference (not counting the end of conference spike in comments) was when Metroid Prime 4 was announced.
– Notable in the mentions overall was the fact that Animal Crossing did not have a part.

Metroid Prime 4 and Kirby saw the most significant game-related mention spikes during the Spotlight. Additionally, Metroid Prime 4 had the largest number of mentions, followed by Kirby 2018 and Super Mario Odyssey.



When Rocket League launches on Switch, you can expect it to run at 60 FPS and 720p. This applies to both docked and portable modes. The team is prioritizing performance over visual fidelity, hence the decision to settle on 720p.


Two new blog posts have gone up on the Nintendo Treehouse Log over on Tumblr. The first one, written by Bill Trinen, talks about Super Mario Odyssey and its sandbox nature. You can also find a separate post about Metroid: Return of Samus here.

Nintendo World Report uploaded footage of Sonic Mania from E3, check it out below.

The official Nintendo Twitter has shared a few more screenshots of Super Mario Odyssey. Check them out below.


This information comes from an IGN preview of Splatoon 2…

During our hands-on with Splatoon 2, we also learned that Nintendo is certainly planning big Salmon Run events, and adding more maps besides the Spawning Grounds. This was great to hear, as without additional content, once Salmon Run is “solved,” so-to-speak, it could easily suffer from a lack of a variety.

When asked if Salmon Run events would take the place of Splatfest, the Nintendo representative simply said they “weren’t discussing Splatfest at this time.”

More: ,

In a new video posted by Nintendo of Japan, one scene shows Mario wearing what looks a whole lot like a Super Mario Maker costume. You can briefly see it just before the 4-minute mark below.

Now may also be a good time to mention that Super Mario Odyssey has an official Twitter account here. It already has some screenshots / images.

Two special versions of Fire Emblem Warriors have been announced for Japan. Like Hyrule Warriors and some other Koei Tecmo releases, the game will be receiving a Treasure Box and Premium Box.

Both versions copy with a copy of the game, 80-page art book, 3-disc soundtrack, and character postcards. The Treasure Box also features a Dragon Stone Crystal clock with voice included.

On Switch, the Premium Box is 10,800 yen and 9,800 yen on New 3DS. The Treasure Box is 15,800 yen and 14,800 yen respectively.


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