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The Switch eShop updated today with the English Puyo Puyo Tetris. Take a look at some footage of it below.

Splatoon 2 now has a release date. Previously given a general “Spring 2017” window, the Switch title is now confirmed for July 21. Nintendo made the date known during its new Nintendo Direct broadcast just now.

We also have the following news about a new mode and amiibo:


Arms was one of the first games Nintendo announced for Switch back in January. During its Nintendo Direct presentation today, the company announced that the game will launch on June 16. A new character Min Min was also introduced.

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It’s been a long while since the last general Nintendo Direct. Today, Nintendo is finally hosting a new presentation that will reveal news for both Switch and 3DS. Arms and Splatoon 2 are the focus, though we should be seeing other games as well.

You can watch today’s Nintendo Direct as it happens below. We have streams for all three versions: North America, Europe, and Japan. On top of that, we’ll have a live blog going below – big thanks to Zack for handling that for me. Important news will receive separate posts on the site.

Enjoy the Nintendo Direct! According to the Japanese stream, it will run for about 35 minutes.

North America

Xbox boss Phil Spencer often tends to share positive vibes when speaking about Nintendo. On two separate occasions for example, Spencer praised Switch.

Spencer is back at it again with a new interview from Gamasutra. He finds Switch “interesting”, and likes how Nintendo is quick to innovate. 

Spencer’s full words:

“Nintendo, I thought, did a cool thing with picking mobile. They kind of said okay, Switch is going to be a console that you can take with you. That’s an interesting idea. Nintendo always does cool things, right. They did the second screen with Wii U, they obviously did the Wii and motion gaming in the room. I love that innovation.

Having innovation that really brings third-parties along is critical to us, I think; Nintendo tends to have great success in their first-party on their platforms and then third-parties usually come in a little bit later, usually because Nintendo creates things that are less like other things. Which is, you know, kudos to them. I think it’s a fantastic part of the industry.”


American voice actress and voice director Wendee Lee has been sharing news about Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on social media. That’s notable because Lee is from Cup of Tea Productions, the same team that worked on Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Fans are speculation about what this might mean. One possibility is that Xenoblade Chronicles 2 will feature an American dub. A different company handled the original Xenoblade Chronicles, which received British voice acting.

Of course, this is only speculation for now. Time will tell how Nintendo is approaching Xenoblade Chronicles 2’s localization.


A very neat ad for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been found in New York. The street art, apparently located specifically in Brooklyn, leaves an ever bigger impression at night. When the sun sets, the painting comes to life even more and really leaves an impact.

Source, Via

LEGO City Undercover does feature enhanced loading times compared to the Wii U original. However, the improvements weren’t as significant as many had initially hoped.

You may be able to improve the situation by installing LEGO City Undercover to Switch’s internal memory rather than using the physical cartridge version. We’ve heard that Zelda: Breath of the Wild also loads quicker when playing this way as well, but with Warner Bros. and TT Games’ new release, it appears to make even more of a difference.

Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania are both featured in this week’s Famitsu. It’s the former title that has received more coverage with additional details. 

Sonic Forces is a stage clearing-type action game in which Sonic runs around 3D areas. Progressing through fields, with not only Sonic’s own speed but also platforms like springs and dash panels, give a sense of exhilaration. Enemies that obstruct him can be destroyed by using attacks like Homing Attack and Boost effectively.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

The full North American Mario Kart 8 Deluxe website is now open for business. You can visit it here.

The site is very similar to its Japanese counterpart. There are tons of videos and information about the characters, tracks, new battle mode, and more.

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