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Minecraft update 1.18.31

Another update has arrived for Minecraft, with Mojang Studios putting the title at version 1.18.31. Various issues have been addressed since the release of 1.18.30.

The full patch notes for the Minecraft version 1.18.31 update are as follows:

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is three months away, so we’re definitely feeling the hype. Monolith Soft has said that this new game can be played if you haven’t gone through the first two, but those that really want the most out of it will want to see what the previous outings have to offer – especially from a story perspective.

Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 are both special in their own right, but some fans have a clear preference for one over the other. With that in mind, we want to hear from you about which one you like more (we haven’t forgotten about Xenoblade Chronicles X, but obviously 1 and 2 are more similar to each other). How do you feel they compare from the perspective of the gameplay, world, story, characters, and music? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

As Far As The Eye gameplay

As Far As The Eye, a roguelike turn-based resource-management game that dropped on Switch this week, has received gameplay. 23 minutes of footage is available.

For more on As Far As The Eye, check out the following overview:

rogue lords trailer

Rogue Lords, a turn-based roguelike game from publisher Nacon as well as developers Cyanide and Leikir Studio, has received a new launch trailer. The video promotes the title’s arrival on Switch and other platforms.

For more on Rogue Lords, check out the following overview:

star wars rogue squadron switch ports

Aspyr has indicated that it’s open to ports of the Star Wars: Rogue Squadron games on the latest platforms, and Factor 5 co-founder Julian Eggebrecht hopes the company will go out by including the unreleased Wii title Rogue Leaders: Rogue Squadron.

Much has been made of an innocent tweet reply from Aspyr that the company put out within the past week or so. When one fan asked about the possibility of Rogue Squadron ports, the company said:

Tetris Effect: Connected update 1.3.1

The next update for Tetris Effect: Connected is ready to go, as Enhance Games recently readied version 1.3.1. It includes new accessibility options for color blindness, a new prompt to help players understand the revive system, and more.

The full patch notes for the Tetris Effect: Connected version 1.3.1 update are as follows:

Square Enix has prepared a new trailer for The Centennial Case: A Shijima Story that highlights the story and gameplay. This comes ahead of the title’s debut next month.

Here’s a bit of information about the game:

animal crossing new horizons second soundtrack

Animal Crossing: New Horizons already had a special CD soundtrack release in Japan last year. As it turns out, a second volume is now on the way.

The new soundtrack contains five CDs with over 140 tracks. There’ll be new music here that was missed from last year’s release, though there won’t be anything from Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Happy Home Paradise. A bonus CD and twelve postcards will be thrown in as well.

Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator

After an initial debut on PC and Xbox last year, Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator has just made the jump to Switch. Serenity Forge has even confirmed plans for a physical version.

Space Warlord Organ Trading Simulator is described as “a story-centric market simulator about making a profit from body parts, and plying your fleshy wares to a strange and evolving universe of clients.” Players will “monitor market trends, fulfill client requests, unknowingly create a sentient deity of meat that will one day absorb all life.”

Superliminal physical

Super Rare Games, in partnership with Pillow Castle, today revealed plans for a physical release of Superliminal. The first-person puzzle game will have three boxed versions.

The first one is the simplest, as it’s the standard edition. Buyers will get all the current content on its cart, a full-color manual, interior artwork, an exclusive sticker, and trading cards. 3,000 units will be made.

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