EnjoyUp and UnfinishedPixel announces Spy Chameleon for Wii U
Posted on 10 years ago by Kirara Koneko(@KiraraKoneko) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
@UnfinishedPixel and @enjoyupgames announces Spy Chameleon on #WiiU @NintendoEurope @NintendoAmerica @NintendoES pic.twitter.com/lyu64JYeMG
— EnjoyUp (@enjoyupgames) September 25, 2014
Spy Chameleon first screenshot! @UnfinishedPixel pic.twitter.com/6QGfeURcbJ
— EnjoyUp (@enjoyupgames) September 25, 2014
More: EnjoyUp, Spy Chameleon, UnfinishedPixel
Video additions to the eShop (9/24/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:
Wii U
IGN Presents Bayonetta 2 – The Feel of Fun
Darts Up Trailer
Angry Bunnies: Colossal Carrot Crusade Trailer
Wild Guns Trailer
Super Smashing Sale 9/18 – 9/25
IGN Presents Bayonetta 2 – The Feel of Fun
Legend of the River King 2 Trailer
Legend of the River King 2 Trailer 2
Super Smashing Sale 9/18 – 9/25
Source: Wii U/3DS eShops
More: video additions
Child of Light developer now a “core team” within Ubisoft
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii U eShop | 4 Comments
CVG is reporting that Ubisoft has created a dedicated “core team” within the company featuring members from the Child of Light development group.
In an interview with the site, Ubisoft Montreal’s VP of creative Lionel Raynaud said:
“We are super happy with Child of Light. The team did a good job and the game had a great reception. We were proud to deliver something new and unique – a lot of people were surprised that Montreal was delivering this kind of game. The team learned a lot about RPG mechanics during development and this has resulted in us creating a core team. The people who made this game now want to work together again, whether it’s on a small game or not. This dynamic has incredible value in the industry and it’s what we want to do: we want to create core teams that want to make great games.”
“So yes, we will encourage other initiatives like Child of Light and there’s a chance that we will have many more games like that in the future. I already have many different projects that are in the pitch stage – I even had one in my office this morning, which was super exciting.”
Plourde himself has “moved on” from the Child of Light team to work on a different project. However, the chance to work on a smaller game provided him with the opportunity “to grow and try something different.”
“It wasn’t the most commercial idea so it became very personal – I even did a lot of the PR myself; GDC talks, global tours etc. I have moved on. I guess I’m a special snowflake in this case, because I hate being stuck in one place. At some point somebody put me in a room and said, ‘Pat, you’re the Rainbow Six guy!’ or ‘You’re the Assassin’s Creed guy!’ but I said no, even after Far Cry.”
More: Child of Light, interview, Lionel Raynaud, Ubisoft
Armillo accolades trailer
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
More: Armillo, Fuzzy Wuzzy Games, indie
Japanese eShop update (9/24/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
This week’s Japanese eShop update is as follows:
Downloadable Titles
Conbini Dream – 800 yen
Treasure Raider – Pyramid kara Dasshutsu – 400 yen
Dokopon Choice – Super Mario-kun Vol. 2 11 – 20-kan Pack – 4,400 yen
Pinch 50 Renpatsu!! – 500 yen
Puchi Novel Shiky? no Ku-gatsu – 200 yen
World Parking Pro – 300 yen
K?eki Zaidanhonjin Nihon Kanji N?ryoku Kentei Y?kai Kanken Training (retail title) – 4,104 yen (from 9/25)
Tenkai Knight – Brave Battle (retail title) – 5,119 yen (from 9/25)
Haiky?! Tsunage! Itadaki no Keshiki! (retail title) – 6,145 yen (from 9/25)
Fushigi no Kuni no B?ken Sakaba Demo – FREE
Virtual Console
NA (no titles since 5/7)
Wii U
Downloadable Titles
Zero – Nuregarasu no Miko (Fatal Frame V: The Black Haired Shrine Maiden, retail title) – 6,600 yen (from 9/27)
Toki Tori 2 Demo – FREE
Virtual Console
Takahashi Meijin no B?kenjima (Adventure Island, Famicom) – 514 yen
Heisei Shin Onigashima K?hen (Super Famicom) – 823 yen
Heisei Shin Onigashima Zenpen (Super Famicom) – 823 yen
Soldier Blade (PC Engine) – 617 yen
More: eShop update, Japan
How FAST Racing Neo will improve upon its predecessor
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
With FAST Racing Neo, developer Shin’en will be looking to make a few improvements to the game’s predecessor.
First, phase switching has been “streamlined” and it’s now “more fun to use.” Shin’en also adjusted the AI so that it’s more human-like.
Shin’en Manfred Linzner told Nintendon:
First of all we analyzed what people liked and disliked in the original Wii game. For instance, most people enjoyed the unique phase switching gameplay, because it’s something you have in no other racing game.
So we build on that but tried to make it more streamlined and more fun to use. Something most people disliked was the brutal difficulty in higher leagues, because the Ai was simply too perfect. We made sure that the Ai behaves more ‘human’ this time.
More: FAST Racing Neo, indie, interview, Manfred Linzner, Shin'en
Update: Another screenshot – Second FAST Racing Neo screenshot
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Screenshots, Wii U eShop | 30 Comments
Update: Bumped to the top! Shin’en has shared a third screenshot:

Shin’en has shared a second screenshot from FAST Racing Neo. Check it out above.
More: FAST Racing Neo, indie, Shin'en, top
Famitsu review scores (9/24/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Jarop(@gamrah) in 3DS, 3DS eShop, News, Wii U, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
The latest Famitsu review scores are in:
- 2048 (3DS) – 7/7/6/6 [26/40]
- Chacha na Game Vol. 1 (3DS) – 5/5/5/5 [25/40]
- Ciel nosurge Plus (PSV) – 7/8/9/7 [31/40]
- Destiny (PS4) – 9/9/8/9 [35/40]Destiny (PS3) – 9/9/8/9 [35/40]
- Fatal Frame: The Raven-Haired Shrine Maiden (Wii U) – 7/8/9/9 [33/40]
- F1 2014 (PS3) – 7/8/8/6 [29/40]
- F1 2014 (360) – 7/8/8/6 [29/40]
- Mighty Switch Force! (Wii U) – 7/7/6/8 [28/40]
- Minna de Mamotte Kishi (3DS) – 8/7/8/9 [32/40]
- Nazotoki Battle Tore! Densetsu no Makyuu o Fukkatsu Saseyo! (3DS) – 7/8/8/8 [31/40]
- Nekketsu Inou Bukatsu: Trigger Kiss (PSV) – 8/8/7/8 [31/40]
- Omega Quintet (PS4) – 8/7/7/8 [30/40]
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PS4) – 8/9/8/8 [33/40]
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (XBO) – 8/9/8/8 [33/40]
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (PS3) – 8/9/8/8 [33/40]
- Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare (360) – 8/9/8/8 [33/40]
More: Famitsu, Famitsu scores, Japan
Wii U eShop charts (9/23/14)
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
This week’s Wii U eShop charts are as follows:
1. Zelda: The Minish Cap
2. Zelda: A Link to the Past
3. Kirby Super Star
4. Mega Man X
5. Mega Man X2
6. Super Mario Bros. 3
7. Mega Man 7
8. Super Mario World
9. Pokemon Rumble U
10. Metroid
11. Super Mario 3D World
12. Zelda: The Wind Waker HD
13. Teslagrad
14. Shovel Knight
15. Kid Icarus
16. EarthBound
17. Super Mario Bros. 2
18. F-Zero
19. Super Mario Kart
20. Cubemen 2
1. Super Smashing Sale: 9/18 – 9/25
2. Hyrule Warriors Cucco Trailer
3. Super Smash Bros. – Looks like we don’t have a choice
4. Teslagrad Trailer
5. Deluxe Digital Promotion Video
6. Hyrule Warriors TV Commercial
7. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker E3 2014 Trailer
8. Mega Man 7 Trailer
9. Hyrule Warriors Features TRailer
10. Zelda: The Minish Cap Trailer
11. Mercedes-Benz x Mario Kart 8 DLC Trailer
12. Mario Kart 8 From the Pit Ep. 2
13. Cubemen 2 E3 Trailer
14. Pokemon Rumble U Gameplay Trailer
15. Mario Party 10 E3 2014 Trailer
16. Disney Infinity 2.0 Big Hero 6 Trailer
17. Super Smash Bros. – The Crest of Sword, Magic and Flame
18. KickBeat Special Edition Trailer
19. Cubemen 2 Trailer
20. Disney Infinity 2.0 Donald Duck Trailer
Source: Wii U eShop
More: charts
F-Zero: GP Legend, Super Chinese World, Mach Rider hitting the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console next week
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Three new games will be available on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console next week. They are as follows:
F-Zero: GP Legend (GBA, 702 yen)
Super Chinese World (Super Famicom, 823)
Mach Rider (Famicom, 514)
The games above are hitting the Japanese eShop on October 1.