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Wii U

Nintendo posted more comments from the developers of Xenoblade Chronicles X. This time around, Monolith Soft talked a bit about Tatsu.

Below are their full comments:


Super Mario Maker’s new “Mercedes-Benz Jump’n’Drive” course has gone live. By completing it, players can unlock a related car costume. This content was revealed earlier today.

Here’s a trailer for the costume:

It’s official: Sceptile is joining the roster in Pokken Tournament. A newly-released trailer for the game confirms the character’s appearance, which you can see below.

Also confirmed are two more support characters. Electrode and Farfetch’d, who were previously rumored, will be filling in these roles.

Nintendo has put up a couple of Xenoblade Chronicle X music videos on its YouTube page, which you can find below. Sprinkled throughout are comments from composer Hiroyuki Sawano.

This week’s issue of Famitsu shares new information about Genei Ibun Roku #FE. Find the latest details about enemy Mirages below, as translated by Doki Doki Kusoge.

– Heroes from the Fire Emblem series will also be present as enemy Mirages invading Japan
– Abel is Cain’s rival and close friend
– Due to a curse of some kind, he holds fierce jealousy toward his partner Cain
– Having become a dark knight, he stands before the party
– Lon’qu remains cool and stoic despite his turn to the dark side
– For some reason, he wanders endlessly through the deepness of the Idolosphere
– Aversa from Fire Emblem Awakening is reimagined in a big way from a visual perspective
– She has a cold, ruthless personality
– She strikes at the weakness in Tsubasa’s older sister’s heart
– Aversa enjoys controlling her
– It seems she knows something about the truth behind the enemy’s motivations
– Gangrel has a giant upper body that takes up most of the screen
– Despite his size, he specializes in controlling the desires of humanity, and making them run wild
– Garrick appears before the main character just after he becomes a Mirage Master
– He’s wild and destructive, and is proud of his immense power
– Garrick has a giant axe-like weapon
– Excellus looks at humans as pawns in her messed up game
– She’ll do anything to accomplish her goals
– She’s a total coward
– Attracted to Tsubasa’s qualities


Nintendo’s Japanese page for Minecraft: Wii U Edition offers up a few more details about next week’s release. First, aside from the GamePad, players can use the Wii U Pro Controller. Voice chat is compatible, and USB keyboards are supported as a means of communication.

Source, Via

Xenoblade Chronicles X will be undergoing maintenance in just a few hours. It won’t last long, but it’s still something you may want to be aware of.

Here’s when the maintenance is scheduled for:

– 8:50 PM PT – 10 PM PT
– 11:50 PM ET – 1:00 AM ET
– 4:50 AM in the UK – 6 AM in the UK
– 5:50 AM in Europe – 7 AM in Europe

Today’s maintenance will impact all network services involved with Xenoblade Chronicles X.


Wii U and 3DS will be on display at Best Buy this weekend as part of a new “Sunday Funday” demo event. Fans can try out the likes of Yo-kai Watch, Super Mario Maker, Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, and Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon between 1 PM and 4 PM local time on December 23. This also lines up with new sales and offers that begin on the same day.

Nintendo’s site has the full listing of participating Best Buy locations. You can see the lineup here.


Genei Ibun Roku #FE is one game we just spoke about not having off-TV play. On the other side of the spectrum, however, Yooka-Laylee should support the feature.

Playtonic told one fan on Twitter last week:

Off-TV play is one of the Wii U’s better features, so it’s always nice when it can be included!


Artifact Checking is an extra chapter available for Adventure Time: Finn & Jake Investigations. For a look at the DLC, watch the video below.

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