Splatoon – Carbon Roller Deco footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments
Later tonight, Splatoon will be adding the new Carbon Roller Deco weapon. You can see it in action below.
More: Splatoon
Splatoon – North American Splatfest #6 taking place next weekend
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 10 Comments
Just like in Japan, Splatoon’s sixth North American Splatfest will be held next weekend. Players only need to answer this simple question: how would you rather travel, by car or by plane?
The Splatfest will begin on October 9 at 9 PM on the West Coast and October 10 at 12 AM on the East Coast. As usual, the event is held for a full day.
Yooka-Laylee – new NPC revealed, new art
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 24 Comments
Playtonic posted a new Yooka-Laylee update on its website today. You can find it in its entirety here.
One of the notable excerpts from the update is a look at a new NPC, pictured above. Playtonic describes here as follows:
“One new character you may have spied in a recent issue of Edge is the slender lass below. Crayoned by our own Kev Bayliss, this yet-to-be-named NPC will require Yooka and Laylee’s assistance on the very first world of the game. Obviously she’s forgot to turn the iron off or something and they’ll need to go and get the spare keys off her landlord.”
Playtonic also unveiled a new piece of art at EGX last week, which was made by Dean Wilson. We’ve attached it below.

More: Playtonic, Yooka-Laylee
Just Dance: Disney Party 2 release date, Just Dance Unlimited trailers
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Ubisoft has announced that Just Dance: Disney Party 2 is due out on October 20 in North America, October 22 in EMEA, and October 23 in the UK.
Here’s the full track list:
“Austin & Ally” (“A Billion Hits”)
“Austin & Ally” (“Can You Feel It?”)
“Austin & Ally” (“Chasin’ The Beat of My Heart”)
“Austin & Ally” (“Me & You”)
“Descendants” (“Be Our Guest”)
“Descendants” (“Did I Mention?”)
“Descendants” (“Rotten to the Core”)
“Descendants” (“Evil Like Me”)
“Descendants” (“Set it Off”)
“Girl Meets World” (“Take on the World”)
“Girl vs. Monster” (“Had Me @ Hello”)
“I Didn’t Do It” (“Time of Our Lives”)
“K.C. Undercover” (“Keep It Undercover”)
“Liv and Maddie” (“Better in Stereo”)
“Liv and Maddie” (“You, Me and the Beat”)
“Liv and Maddie” (“What a Girl Is”)
“Teen Beach Movie” (“Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’”)
“Teen Beach Movie” (“Falling for Ya”)
“Teen Beach 2” (“That’s How We Do”)
“Teen Beach 2” (“Gotta Be Me”)
“Teen Beach 2” (“Right Where I Wanna Be”)
“Teen Beach 2” (“Twist Your Frown”)
“Violetta” (“En Mi Mundo”)
“Violetta” (“Hoy Somos Más”)
We also have an update on Just Dance Unlimited, the new subscription streaming service available for Just Dance 2016 players. The service features access to over 150 tracks from previous Just Dance games, with new tracks added. Cheerleader (Felix Jaehn Remix) by OMI is now confirmed as one of the latest tracks.
Here are a couple of trailers:
Source: Ubisoft PR
GAME apologizes, gives out £10 gift card for Super Mario Maker pre-order woes
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
A number of GAME customers went through a whole bunch of issues if they pre-ordered Super Mario Maker from the retailer. Most notably, some saw charges in their bank accounts up to seven times, and it wasn’t until a few days later that these problems were ironed out.
GAME is at least attempting to provide some compensation for troubling consumers. Along with sending out a formal apology, many are also being given letters with a £10 gift card.
Here’s a look at the letter:
“As you have been affected by some billing issues on Mario, we wanted to get in tough to say sorry and that we made a mistake. We know this was wrong and have been working to ensure things go smoothly in future.
We wanted to send you this goodwill voucher of £10 which you can redeem either in store or online. We know you love gaming or were buying Mario as a gift. We’re sorry if we caused you any inconvenience and please accept our sincere apologies.”
More: GAME, Super Mario Maker, UK
Xenoblade Chronicles X – 12-minute cut EGX demonstration, fan reactions
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 5 Comments
Two more Xenoblade Chronicles X videos have been uploaded by Nintendo UK. You can see an extended version of the EGX demonstration below in addition to new fan reactions.
Star Fox Zero dev – using two screens, 60FPS, delayed to reach “Platinum feel”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 126 Comments
GameSpot recently spoke with Platinum Games’ Yusuke Hashimoto, one of the directors working on Star Fox Zero.
First, here’s what Hashimoto said about working with two screens:
“Those two screens, you can’t find that anywhere else. When we were doing Bayonetta 2, we just used that screen as a touch pad. With Star Fox, Miyamoto originally had the idea that he wanted to create a shooting game that used both of these screens, and then we said, okay, how can we combine this with Star Fox? Just having to use those two screens makes things interesting.”
“We’ve been working with action games long enough. We understand how the players play an action game, how they respond to an action game, how they’ll move, what they’ll do in the situational stuff. What we’re making here now, it’s totally a new learning experience for us, which is kind of fun to find out.”
Hashimoto also discussed the importance of nailing a solid 60 frames per second. The game not only runs at this speed on the television, but also on the GamePad.
“We’ve got them both moving at 60 fps, which is big for a lot of people, I think. But I think that it’s kind of a milestone in gaming, in a way. It’s not something that we have done ourselves before at Platinum, and it’s just not even something that has been done in gaming before. So it’s a lot of new challenges.”
Finally, Hashimoto briefly touched on Star Fox Zero’s delay. The decision was made in order to give the game more of a “Platinum feel”.
“We want to make it feel as great as possible. It’s easy to say [it was delayed] to increase its quality, or whatever, but that entails a lot, whether it be visuals, or controls.”
More: interview, PlatinumGames, Star Fox Zero, top, Yusuke Hashimoto
Japanese Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival boxart
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 0 comments
A listing on Amazon shows us the Japanese boxart for Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival. You can get a look at the packaging above.
Splatoon – Carbon Roller Deco weapon coming today/tomorrow
Posted on 9 years ago by Quinn(@bornbefuddled) in News, Wii U | 3 Comments
Nintendo has announced the addition of yet another weapon for Splatoon. The Carbon Roller Deco will be made available today in North America and tomorrow in Europe.
View a set of screenshots for the Carbon Roller Deco below:
3 character slots, 2 or 3 stage slots found in latest Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS patch
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 192 Comments
Each time a new Smash Bros. patch is prepared, fans do a ton of data mining in hopes of finding some hidden secrets. There wasn’t anything too shocking in the game’s new 1.1.1 update, though a couple of interesting tidbits were recently discovered.
First, three empty character slots have been added with the patch. Six stage slots have been found as well (split between omega and standard versions). Regarding stages, two may have been for the Pirate Ship given their placement, so this is a bit unclear right now. Therefore it could be a total of two or three stages.

In the images above, all of the Marios are for character placeholders. Meanwhile, Tikibuzzes are stage placeholders. Note that there were only two character placeholders before the new update was issued.
What do these findings mean for the future of Smash Bros. DLC? Only time will tell!