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Wii U

With the latest information coming from Nintendo Europe about an updated launch date for Super Smash Bros. Wii U, it looks like Australia and New Zealand will get the same treatment minus a day.

According to Nintendo Australia’s latest tweet, Super Smash Bros. Wii U will release on 11/29/14.

It looks like Nintendo has changed the launch date for Super Smash Bros. Wii U in Europe.

The title will now release on 11/28/14 according to their latest tweet form the Official Nintendo Europe twitter.


Today’s Super Smash Bros. for Wii U screenshot visits the game’s stage builder once again. Check it out below:

PlatinumGames has posted a new Bayonetta/Bayonetta 2 2 blog post covering the game’s collaboration costume designs.

First, check out a few excerpts below:

As I designed these costumes, I would think, when we have the player transforming into Peach, wouldn’t it be cool if we could change game play up somehow as well? Then, one day I thought, what about having Bowser’s punches and kicks be used for Bayonetta’s Wicked Weaves? I pitched the idea to Kamiya and he said “sounds good, do it.” The next idea I thought of was having Samus Bayonetta change to her Morph Ball. This, unfortunately, didn’t make it into Bayonetta Wii U, but… it did make it into Bayonetta 2! Thinking of these little extras is really one of the rewarding parts of working in games.

When I gave the designs to Nintendo to check, I was worried about how “kid-friendly” Bayonetta looked. Like, I didn’t think it’d be a good idea to show too much cleavage, you know… but when Nintendo looked at my Link design, they actually suggested to me to open up her top a little more… Wow.

And be sure to read the full thing here with lots of information and art.

This will probably be the last gallery we post for the first round of amiibo figurines… for awhile anyway. At least we get to see the backs of the different characters!



Not all amiibo figures will be freely available. During Nintendo’s financial results briefing yesterday, president Satoru Iwata mentioned that some amiibo will be offered as “limited-time offers”.

Iwata said:

The amiibo figure lineup for “Super Smash Bros.” will continue to be released even after this year-end sales season, and we hope that this will help to update store shelves. As store shelf space is limited, some amiibo will remain stocked on the shelves as staple choices while some will be limited-time offers which will cede their positions to new ones once they are sold out.

Iwata did not elaborate beyond this. It’ll be interesting to see which figures are limited!

Source, Via


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