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Wii U

Hyrule Warriors’ website was updated today and it provided us with a whole heap of new screenshots and images. Check them out below


Another New Super Mario Bros. U screenshot today, Sakurai details how players will be able to interact with Nabbit:

Here’s Nabbit, who appears in the Mushroom Kingdom U stage. You can’t see him, but Luigi is inside Nabbit’s bag.

Our good friend Exeforce87 kindly sent over some fresh scans of Hyrule Warriors from the latest Famitsu. The focus of the scans seems to be the recently announced Agitha and new character Lana among with some other interesting tidbits. You’ll find the scans below, let us know what you think!





Tecmo Koei thought about making a “grass only” stage in Hyrule Warriors. However, as revealed on the game’s official Twitter account, it wasn’t very fun. Ultimately, Tecmo Koei ended up removing the stage from Hyrule Warriors.


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