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Wii U

Along with the above image, Sakurai shared the following message via Miiverse:

Screen Shot 2014-01-15 at 1.38.21 AM

Via Miiverse

Super Smash Bros. top Masahiro Sakurai Miiverse

Update: Amazon has price-matched the Assassin’s Creed price.

Original: This week’s GameStop ad has gone live. There are a couple of notable deals this week – mainly Splinter Cell: Blacklist for $20 and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag for $30.

All of the deals for this week can be found in the circular below.



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Puyo Puyo Tetris will support cross online play, the latest issue of Famitsu confirms. Players on Wii U will be able to play 3DS owners and vise versa. Famitsu also reveals that Puyo Puyo Tetris contains a replay saving feature and a Lesson Mode.

Source, Via

Amazon currently has a few Wii U titles available at a discount. You can find a roundup of the latest sales prices below.

Mass Effect 3: Special Edition – $12.23
Assassin’s Creed III – $19.20
Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition – $17.49
Madden NFL 13 – $13.99
FIFA 13 – $12.99
Batman Arkham City: Armored Edition – $18.99
007 Legends – $13.42
Tank! Tank! Tank! – $17
Rabbids Land – $17.99
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes – $19.99
Scribblenauts Unlimited – $19.99
Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge – $20.19


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Dragon Quest X’s collaboration with the Final Fantasy series begins tomorrow.

Final Fantasy XI kicks things off, with Shantotto visiting after one of her magical experiments did not go as planned. Dragon Quest X users will be tasked with helping Shantotto obtain items for her chocobo including Gysahl Greens. Shantotto will be available through February 12.

Kuplu Kopo from Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn will join Dragon Quest X on February 15. The character ends up in the MMORPG after getting lost, and players will need to gather a bouquet of colorful flowers for the creature. Kuplu Kopo’s stay in Dragon Quest X lasts until March 12.

Finally, Square Enix intends to add special Final Fantasy emotes such as Shantotto’s laugh and a Cactaur pose.


A slew of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze details have emerged from this month’s issue of ONM. There are a bunch of noteworthy tidbits here, including the ability to upload times and full replays. The full roundup of information can be found below.

– ONM estimates that most levels will take about 10 minutes to complete on your first attempt
– 3-3 Frantic Field: set against a hurricane, with small tornadoes, and lightning as obstacles; eventually you reach the eye of the storm
– Next stage takes place in a forest, with sections on fire due to the previous levels lightning
– Need to use watery fruit to put out vine fires in order to progress
– Game includes tag barrels ala Donkey Kong 64, to switch between Kongs (could just be DK barrels)
– Multiple routes in the various levels
– 3 secret levels per world confirmed
– Time Attack returns
– In Time Attack, you can choose which character’s DK barrels will appear
– Upload times and full replays to show friends, and to help other players improve their own times
– There seems to be more emphasis on the background, which is constantly moving, which makes the world feel alive, and sometimes provides hints to what you’re going to encounter next
– When asked if there was anything the felt was missing from the game, Kensuke Tanabe said that he wishes they could have done more with the animal buddies
– Tanabe also mentions that there is something from A Link to the Past that he wanted to do, couldn’t, and used it in Link’s Awakening instead (ending of LA when the egg opens)
– Retro president’s favorite levels: 6-6 Cliffside Slide, “like jumping right into the middle of an action movie”, it’s a silhouette level. 4-4 Irate Eight, and underwater level which sounds like the giant octopus from DKCR is back. 3-3 Frantic Fields, which is challenging, but with a bit of comedy.
Tanabe mentions that World 4 is made of only underwater levels.
– Kelbaugh also mentions that he likes 4-4, and 3-6 Cannon Canyon, because of the dynamic 3D camera movement
– Animation quality has improved over Returns
– With David Wise, Kenji Yamamoto, and Scott Petersen, they have an amazing soundtrack, and special effects effort
– Tanabe was surprised that so few people in DKCR didn’t want to use the Super Guide once it appeared. He said that the difficulty of Tropical Freeze hasn’t been lowered, but that they have added some features that will give casual players an easier time.
– Difficulty hasn’t been lowered, but the new items, and Kong POW allow you to change the difficulty of the levels somewhat
– Miyamoto told Retro, when first working on DKCR: “This is my baby. Don’t mess it up.”
– Kelbaugh and Tanabe both worked on DKC, with Tanabe on the Japanese localisation, but never met.
Ten years later Tanabe met Kelbaugh, when he became president of Retro. He saw that Kelbaugh had a DKC jacket, and they learned that they both worked on DKC.
– A few years after that they both started on DKCR, Michael gave DKCR the codename F8 – fate.
– Retro was working on Mario Kart 7, and TF at the same time
– Tanabe, and his team at SPD is Retro’s primary contact at Nintendo, but the games are a collaborative effort throughout Nintendo
– If they found themselves on Kong Island Kelbaugh would team up with Diddy, and Tanabe with Donkey Kong, so that he could be carried around


Update: Prices have been restored to their original amounts. Hope you got an order in if you were interested!




Nintendo’s UK store currently has huge discounts on a number of downloadable first-party Wii U and 3DS games. LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins is £6.95, Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team are £7.95, and Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, The Wonderful 101, and Pikmin 3 are down to £8.95 a piece.

Wow indeed. Thing is, those prices were likely initiated in error. I assume these “sales” won’t last long, so take advantage while you can.

Source, Via

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We’re hearing – as reported in this month’s ONM – that Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze will offer three secret levels per world. In total, the game would end up featuring 60 levels if true.

ONM also apparently contains a quote from Retro president Michael Kelbaugh who told the magazine, “As for Tropical Freeze, there are a few more things I feel we could have done with the animal buddies”. Some are speculating that Kelbaugh could be hinting at more animal buddies included in the Wii U title.


Believe it or not, Europe has still yet to receive Nintendo TVii. While North America has had access to the app for over a year, the same can’t be said for Europe.

Nintendo did recently update its official Nintendo TVii UK page with an apology. Additionally, the company said that European Wii U should should “continue to keep an eye out for further announcements regarding this service in the near future.”

The note in full:

We would like to apologise that we were unable to bring the Nintendo TVii service to Europe in 2013 as originally planned.

Please continue to keep an eye out for further announcements regarding this service in the near future.

Source, Via

Super Mario 3D World has been out in Japan for a number of weeks now, but Nintendo is still promoting the game with a new commercial:

Note: beware of spoilers.

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