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The Nintendo Treehouse is hosting a new stream to showcase Splatoon Global Testfire. Staffers from the Treehouse will be participating in the online demo once it goes live in about 20 minutes. As for the stream, it’ll begin at 10:55 PM ET / 7:55 PM PT.


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute provides a look at Splatoon’s single-player mode. Take a look at the video below.

The folks over at USgamer played the new Virtual Console release of Mega Man & Bass yesterday. You can find some footage of the game below.

Nintendo released another short promo video for Splatoon. Watch it below.


Ronimo Games released the fourth “Daily Duel” video for Swords & Soldiers II. In today’s video, the battle is one Berserker and one Electric Elder versus four Axethrowers. Check it out below.

“Pug Hoof Gaming” from YouTube has provided a look at the new Majora’s Mask light from Club Nintendo Europe. You can view a full unboxing of the reward below.

Masaya Games and Extreme showed new footage from Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei during a live stream held earlier today. You can watch it all below.

Note: most of the interesting stuff begins at the 3:39 mark.

Curve Digital has now released the launch trailer for Ultratron, which hits the Wii U eShop next Thursday. Watch it below.

Update 2: Let’s keep this Puzzle & Dragons train going with footage from Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition:

Update: Another video is below.

“NiNTENDOMiNATi0N” from YouTube has uploaded the first 37 minutes of Puzzle & Dragons Z. Check out the full footage below.

YouTube user “Akwartz” shared an hour of Dex footage today. You can watch the full video below.

Dex launches on the Wii U eShop this summer.

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