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This month’s issue of EDGE has a heavy feature on Splatoon. Details from the article have since emerged, which you can find rounded up below.

– Main article has quotes from Amano/Sakaguchi and Nogami and talks about Edge playing the same demo build of the game the media played a few weeks back.
– The prototype had basic block characters and the ink painting mechanic. You were invisible when you were in your own ink. Amano/Sakaguchi added in jumping, hiding in ink, and the ability to shoot up and down. After that, though, they were confused about what they wanted to do with the game. They thought they might put a squid character on the box art but they needed a humanoid character to hold the guns. They thought a “squid human” wouldn’t sell.
– Amano/Sakaguchi were scolded by Miyamoto in 2013 when doing the prototype who said “I don’t understand. What do you want to do? There’s no appeal to this game”.
– They had an epiphany on Jan 6, 2014 that they could have you switch between a squid and human form and they rapidly got a bunch of ideas about how you swim faster in your own ink, you slow down in enemy ink and take damage, you can swim up walls, etc.
– Amano is a fan of “shooting games”, but when he would invite friends to play with him they would get frustrated. He wants to make a game that is different that people who aren’t fans of traditional shooters can play.
– Splatoon has no voice chat and never will. Amano says: “This is coming from personal experience. When I played online games, I didn’t like the negativity I got and people telling me ‘You’re crap. Go away’. So we wanted to focus on the positive aspects of online gaming”. Amano says he’s not saying that chat in an online game can’t contribute to fun but they want to grab new players.
– Confirms that there are some Splat Zone maps with more than one boxed-off area to capture. If you claim all the territories your timer starts to count down, but if your opponent captures one the timer stops.
– The same primary weapon can come in a variation with the different sub/special weapon
– Can start firing after a super jump right before you land
– More online modes besides Turf War/Splat Zones
– One respawn point per team, but you’re invulnerable while on it to discourage campers.
– A lot of the designers on the team are in their 30s, so the 90s style with street fashion and trainers is a big inspiration for the outfits
– Trick to balancing the weapons according to Sakaguchi is to make people want a little more (“if only it could shoot a little farther/shoot faster”). They aren’t going out trying to make the strongest weapon in the game.
– 15 singleplayer challenges and “5 rare pieces of gear” for each of the 3 Amiibos
– Q&A with Katsuya Eguchi. Thinks Splatoon IP has huge potential. Important to have things that will draw attention to the game after release (basically hints at content updates/DLC).


NIS America intends to release a limited edition for Rodea: The Sky Soldier.

Fans can purchase the special version for either Wii U or 3DS. You’ll receive a copy of the game, a hardcover art book, 10-song original soundtrack with jewel case, collector’s box, and “Key of Time” Pendant with chain bonus item.

Pricing for the Wii U version is set at $74.99. The 3DS version costs $54.99.

View some photos from Rodea: The Sky Soldier’s limited edition below. Orders can be placed here.

Nintendo has shared another video comparing Mario Kart 8’s 150cc option to the upcoming addition of 200cc. This time around, we get a chance to see how Piranha Plant Pipeway looks with the new racing speed. Check out the video above.

The Dr. Mario amiibo may have some sort of functionality within Splatoon. Nintendo’s website lists the figure as being compatible.

There are two possibilities here: either the listing is a mistake, or the Dr. Mario will in fact work with Splatoon. We should know soon enough!

Source, Via

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

PS4 – 26,738
New 3DS LL – 22,183
Vita – 21,584
New 3DS – 8,242
Wii U – 7,486
PS3 – 5,743
3DS LL – 2,256
3DS – 1,893
Xbox One – 902
Vita TV – 672

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

PS4 – 45,446
Vita – 26,324
New 3DS LL – 18,823
New 3DS – 7,290
Wii U – 6,698
PS3 – 6,652
3DS – 2,883
3DS LL – 2,233
Vita TV – 708
Xbox One – 250

And here are the software charts:

1. [PSV] 3rd Super Robot Wars Z Tengoku Hen – 121,219 / NEW
2. [PS3] 3rd Super Robot Wars Z Tengoku Hen – 109,200 / NEW
3. [3DS] Xenoblade Chronicles 3D – 56,923 / NEW
4. [PSV] Sword Art Online: Lost Song – 23,279 / 162,577
5. [PS4] Bloodborne – 22,610 / 175,177
6. [PS3] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – 22,146 / 119,508
7. [PS4] Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair – 21,582 / NEW
8. [3DS] Theatrhythm Dragon Quest – 15,995 / 92,854
9. [PSV] Minecraft: PlayStation Vita Edition – 15,880 / 73,100
10. [PSV] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – 14,945 / 69,252
11. [PS3] Pro Baseball Spirits 2015 – 19,940 / 77,137
12. [WIU] Mario Party 10 – 14,410 / 103,488
13. [PSV] Pro Baseball Spirits 2015 – 11,211 / 66,833
14. [PS4] One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 – 10,546 / 57,238
15. [3DS] Yo-Kai Watch 2: Shinuchi – 10,439 / 2,573,917
16. [PS3] Sword Art Online: Lost Song – 10,264 / 65,354
17. [PS3] Resident Evil: Revelations 2 – 10,035 / 103,100
18. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire – 8,709 / 2,587,345
19. [3DS] Kuroko’s Basketball: Ties to the Future – 8,311 / 43,726
20. [PSV] Senran Kagura: Estival Versus – 8,297 / 52,845

This month’s EDGE scores are now online. They are as follows:

Axiom Verge – 8
Battlefield Hardline – 7
Bloodborne – 10
Hotline Miami 2 – 5
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse – 8
Ori and the Blind Forest – 7
Titan Souls – 5

We’re also attaching the cover for the latest issue of EDGE. Splatoon takes center stage!

Thanks to joclo for the tip.

Layton 7 was first announced in 2013. At the time, it was slated for 3DS in addition to mobile platforms.

Layton 7 finally resurfaced today at Level-5 Vision 2015, but as a much different title. It’s now all about cards, a plot in which players must locate vampires among a crowd, and a 3DS is no longer planned. That being said, a Nintendo version hasn’t been ruled out.

Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino has said that he would like to bring Layton 7 to Wii U. Whether that interest pans out remains to be seen.


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