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Last year, Nintendo released three amiibo for Splatoon. We currently have the Inkling Boy, Inkling Girl, and, Inkling Squid figures. Could more be on the way?

NWPlayer123 has built a reputation for leaking new content for Splatoon ahead of official reveals. In the past, we’ve found out about levels and weapons among other elements before they were announced. NWPlayer123 now seems to have unearthed evidence of new amiibo figures.

“AmiiboIdolA” and “AmiiboIdolB” have both been found within Splatoon’s files. These two were likely included in the game’s most recent update. Given the names, would one think that they’re referencing the Squid Sisters.

We’ll let you know if we hear anything else about this rumor.

Thanks to Mattrio for the tip.


Rumors about the NX continue to persist. This time, analyst and consultant Dr. Serkan Toto has made bold claims regarding Bandai Namco. The publisher is supposedly working on a number of titles for the system, including Smash Bros. – which will apparently be a launch game. Given that Smash Bros. just came out on two systems a little over a year ago, a port would be more probable than an entirely new entry.

Toto isn’t sure about any dates. In terms of where the information comes from, he’s connected to a number of industry sources, though it remains to be seen if this speculation will pan out in the end.

Toto wrote on Twitter:

Source, Via

Earlier today, Emily Rogers posted several tweets about a rumor she heard pertaining to an unannounced Wii U game from Nintendo. This is based on information that she, along with two other people, gathered from numerous sources. We originally thought that we’d have to wait until Monday for the actual rumor, but the speculation was just now posted instead.

Rumor has it that Intelligent Systems has been developing a new Paper Mario entry for Wii U. It’s now being localized and tested, which suggests that the game could be coming sooner rather than later. At the very least, an announcement in the future would be likely assuming the rumor is true.


Update: Rumor has come in early – potential new Paper Mario game. See this post.

This is sort of a new one! We have an announcement about a rumor coming sometime next week (update: Monday, see added forth tweet below).

Emily Rogers, Liam Robertson, and ShockingAlberto from NeoGAF have supposedly managed to dig up information regarding a new Wii U title. This is a Nintendo-published game as opposed to a third-party release. There’s apparently a decent amount of evidence behind the rumor, as 4-5 sources have provided information.

Rogers shared these messages on Twitter:

Knowing Emily, I don’t think she would be putting these tweets out there if she didn’t feel confident in her sources. Still, it’s important to keep in mind that this will be a rumor at the end of the day instead of something that’s being claimed as actual fact. We’ll see what happens come next week!


Well before Wii U was announced, plenty of rumors about the console popped up on a regular basis. Some were true while others were not. We’re now in a similar situation with NX, Nintendo’s next system.

If the latest rumors are to be believed, some information about NX has leaked through a GFK survey. It’s worth mentioning that GFK is a client of Nintendo, and the survey has been verified. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the information is legitimate. This could be a means of simply gauging how consumers would react to certain elements included in the survey.

The survey slide mentions a few notable aspects about NX. Achievements, 4K/60FPS video streaming, 900p/60FPS gameplay, and connectivity between a console and handheld device are all mentioned. However, to reiterate, there’s no guarantee that any of the points listed here are true.


Nomura Securities has shared some speculation about the timing of NX’s reveal. The concept could be announced between March and May, followed by an actual unveil in June. It may then launch between October and November.

Here’s a notable excerpt from Barrons’ article:

According to analyst Junko Yamamura, Nintendo will make NX available by 2016 year-end’s shopping season. Nomura expects Nintendo to announce the “concept” sometime between March and May, unveil the actual console in June, and launch it between October and November. “We think the NX will start to boost operating profits in 18/3, when it will have been on the market for a full year and will have a line-up of software titles, which carry high operating margins.”

Today’s news comes as Nintendo stock dipped by 5 percent. Nomura Securities feels that NX will cannibalize the existing sales of Wii U and 3DS.


Liam Robertson has once again uncovered something quite interesting. In a report published on NintendoLife, he writes that, according to one his sources, a free-to-play amiibo game is currently in the works. The developer for this is Nintendo Software Technology, who recently made Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars and in the past were responsible for games such as Metroid Prime Hunters and Wave Race: Blue Storm.

Apparently the game is planned for a US release in early 2016 – initially it would be free for anyone who owns a compatible amiibo, though this is apparently only a special promotion for the game’s launch. Once that promotion is over, customers will supposedly have to pay to play the game. Nintendo of Europe apparently plans to release the game later on in 2016 for free.

Additionally, Robertson states that, according to his source, there are plans for Nintendo Software Technology to become a mobile-only developer, presumably once development on the free-to-play amiibo game is finished. However, this is apparently only a proposal at the moment and not a final decision.

As always with reports like this, take them with a grain of salt – Liam Robertson has been quite accurate with his reports in the past, however there’s always the possibility of things falling through at the last minute or other internal developments leading to the project not being completed after all.


One of the more publicized glitches in Super Mario Maker involved invisible platforms. This was addressed in an update last month, though levels that took advantage of it remained online.

Reports are now surfacing that these types of courses are now being removed. Nintendo hasn’t confirmed this officially, but that’s the word going around based on various user reports. One bright spot: all stars earned with the deleted levels have remained with their creators.


Circle Entertainment will soon be bringing The Legend of Dark Witch 3DS themes overseas. In Europe, nine will be released in total. But North America will only have access to four.

Why is this the case? Circle says that Nintendo of America only allows games to receive four themes.

The company told one fan on Twitter:

I’ll mark this as a rumor as we don’t have an official confirmation from Nintendo, but I’d have to think that Circle Entertainment knows what it’s talking about. This is rather interesting!



Nintendo will enter mass production of the new NX system at the end of Q1 2016, according to a Digitimes report. Even though the company hopes to ship 20 million units in 2016, “the device’s upstream component suppliers expect shipments to only reach around 10-12 million units.” Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai Precision Industry) has allegedly been put in charge of manufacturing NX.

NX will apparently undergo mass shipments in the second quarter. Digitimes also says that suppliers such as Foxconn Technology, Macronix, Pixart Imaging, Coxon Precise Industrial, Nishoku Technology, Delta Technology, Lingsen Precision Industries and Jentech will provide components for the device.



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