We’ve got tons of Yoshi’s Woolly World footage for you, including a look at the game’s opening, various transformations and several levels, thanks to NintenDaan. Check out the videos in the playlist below:
Yoshi has always been able to take on the form of multiple objects in his games, and Yoshi’s Woolly World is no exception! Check out a clip of Yoshi as an umbrella below:
Last week Pokémon Shuffle players were given a second chance at a Lucarionite by playing against Mega Lucario in another challenge. Those that already had won a Lucarionite in their region could still enter, but would be rewarded with two Jewels if they managed to get a top spot once again. Now, the event is over and Lucarionites are going around to players that entered.
For those that entered but didn’t manage to gain a top spot in their region, you’ll receive one Jewel. If you ranked this time and didn’t the last time, then congratulations on your Lucarionite! This special Mega Stone can’t be obtained by normal means, so these challenges are the only way to give your Lucario that extra special power.
Did you win a Lucarionite this time around? Let us know in the comments below!
Sinnoh’s legendary Shaymin is now available on Pokémon Shuffle! The Land Form of the legendary Pokémon is a new challenge that will go on from today until June 15th to celebrate 4 million downloads for the free-to-play match three. The first time you complete the challenge, you’ll be awarded with 1000 coins.
As usual with new Pokémon events and challenges, don’t forget to update your game by hitting Check In to download the new patch 1.1.14 and access the event. Along with the update, to celebrate 4 million downloads, you’ll be given a Complexity -1 item!
Update: Below is another new trailer. This one features Popo while the another one shows Risette.
New gameplay footage of Stella Glow is out, and in it we see a clip of how Songs work during gameplay. Songs are sung by Witches to enhance abilities and unlock full potential in battle. Check it out below:
I’ve been sick and Austin isn’t around to edit audio, but Just a Chat must go on! In this week’s episode, Daan and I talk about the announcements of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon and Art Academy: Atelier, plus the Nintendo World Championships, Nintendo’s hiring of “Bowser”, and the Splatoon Iwata Asks.
Let’s Talk #9: What is your favorite Nintendo franchise?
Nintendo has created a ton of franchises over the years. We’ve seen IPs like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kirby, Star Fox, Kid Icarus… just to name a few. There are so many series out there that it’s tough to choose a favorite. But that’s exactly what I’m asking of you this week!
This week’s Let’s Talk is very simple. I want to have a discussion about our favorite franchises. What’s your favorite? Why do you enjoy it so much? I’m curious about your absolute favorite series, but you can name a few runner-ups as well. Sound off in the comments! You’ll find a few thoughts from me and highlights from last week’s Let’s Talk down below.
Choosing a favorite Nintendo franchise is incredibly difficult since Nintendo has a bunch of well-known and great series to choose from. At the end of the day though, I’d probably have to go with Zelda. I’ve previously talked about how Ocarina of Time truly jump-started my interest in gaming, and my experience with it is a big reason why Nintendo Everything exists today!
There’s a lot to love in Zelda. The epic adventures. The variety of art styles. The different types of gameplay. For me, there’s very little that beats riding Epona across Hyrule.
I do want to mention that I have a ton of love for other Nintendo franchises. If I were to rank them, Zelda would be first, followed by Mario, and then Metroid. Mario… well, not much explanation is needed there! It’s an absolutely classic franchise that can resonate with just about anyone. I started with the Metroid series late – Metroid Fusion was my first experience with the franchise. But I never looked back, and have loved both the 2D and 3D entries.
Highlights from last week’s topic: Your thoughts on Splatoon
I had my worries in the past that they’re not doing as much as they should to promote it, but they should be credited for identifying their internet fanbase and getting to them where it counts. Tumblr in particular is big on the game’s aesthetic and characters, and they’re actually using their Vine account for the first time since 2013 solely to promote this game. Before last month, they had only two Vines, both half-heartedly promoting the Wii U, but now there’s a good amount of videos on it all dedicated to Splatoon. They’re really going all out on the internet front getting this game known. Pity about those American television commercials though…
I’ve read a lot of complaints about the game pad being necessary to play online. I have to admit, I was a little concerned too, given I use the Pro Controllers almost exclusively with the relevant games that support it. However, the gyro + analogue stick controls of the game pad were absolutely, surprisingly comfortable when playing for 1 hour during the Splatoon Global Testfire. I gave it a good go, then turned motion control off to see how I’d fare with the typical analogue stick controls, but I have to say I preferred the gyro + analogue combo; it seems far more accurate.
I wonder though how this might fare for longer periods of playing. No doubt, the game pad may get a little heavy over time, and I still had a lot of tweaking (and skill development) to feel like I had the hang of it 100%. Nonetheless, I was super pleasantly surprised – two hands on the game pad make for some seriously accurate and timely aiming – much more than those one handed Wii remote motion aiming days.
Ant M.
I for one am REALLY excited for this game after getting my hands on it. It’s a new spin on a genre that DESPERATELY needed one & a polished one at that. That game feels SO good! Everything about it feels fluid and works together to make you feel immersed in the gameplay from the controls down to the sound design.
Gaming Boulevard has provided another look at the recently-released Zelda: A Link to the Past comic. Actually, you’ll be able to see all of the pages in full.
Graphite Lab shared a release window update for Hive Jump in a new Kickstarter update. On Wii U, the game is targeted for launch in Q1 2016. A specific date beyond that is currently unavailable.
You can read up on the latest Hive Jump Kickstarter update in full here. Graphite Lab has provided a progress report on the planetary campaign, swarm AI, and more.
It’s time for the latest Famitsu’s most wanted games chart! With the latest chart, Fire Emblem If has slipped to the sixth spot.
Head past the break for the full chart. All votes were cast between April 30 and May 13.