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There’s something interesting about how Woah Dave! handles coins. When you die for the final time, coins left on the field remain there until you start again. That means you could essentially die and leave 15 coins on the field, only to start a new round by picking them all up to start with and beginning with 15 coins. There’s more information in the video above!


RCMADIAX has nailed down a final European release date for Blok Drop X Twisted Fusion. The game will arrive on March 5 via the eShop.

RCMADIAX confirmed on Twitter:

Puzzle Monkeys, which is launching today on the eShop, is confirmed to be a 175MB download. The game is out today in both North America and Europe.


Nintendo released the 3DS puzzle for Kirby Fighters Deluxe/Dedede’s Drum Dash Deluxe in Europe today. The first piece should arrive via SpotPass so long as Wi-Fi is enabled. You can then begin completing the puzzle over in StreetPass Mii Plaza.



In a scan from Jump magazine, they have appeared to have revealed a look at a new character for Bravely Second.

The character’s name is Tiz Arrior (might recognize the name from before), who could posses some sort of magic abilities as he is featured with a dark orb.

A new job seems to have also been reveled called “Gaurdian”.

Stay tuned for continued updates as we await this titles release.

Source1, Source2


Atlus will be releasing another Durarara!! character for Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker in Japan next week. Players will be able to get their hands on Shizuo Heiwajima, who uses a special move where he uses traffic signs, cars, and vending machines that have various effects. Shizuo is due out on February 12.


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